- 1). First, decide on what type of candy you'll have and purchase one to have a sample wrapper or to measure it. Many brides use chocolate bars but you can also use Lifesavers, Mentos, or gum.
- 2). If you decide on chocolate bars, keep in mind that Hershey's no longer uses foil wrap on their bars. You may need to order this separately; do a quick internet search and you'll find plenty of places that sell them precut, made especially for those who run candy wrapping businesses.
- 3). Second, use their wrapper as a size template or take some measurements. Be sure to leave additional room for overlap when you wrap it around so that you can glue or tape the wrapper. Also make sure that the wrapper isn't too wide so that it falls over the side of your candy.
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Run off a few rough drafts so that you know how it looks around your candy!
Third, use Word or Publisher to come up with your template. Create a text box of the right size and add your elements - a photo works well or some colorful stripes, and you'll also want to add your names and date. Use examples you see on the web for inspiration. Make sure you have a nice, unique font but don't use one that's too fancy or you won't be able to read it. - 5). Fourth, when you have a rough draft, run it off on regular paper and cut it out to see how it fits around your candy and how it looks. Make adjustments to your size or design as needed. You want your personalized candy bar wrappers, even though they're cheap wedding favors, to look professional and presentable.
- 6). Fifth, when you're ready with a final design, use thin glossy paper and not thick photo paper - if the paper is too thick it won't fold or wrap properly around your candy. Print one on your paper as a draft; sometimes colors come out differently on shiny paper so you might need to make adjustments.