Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Cross Country Motorcycle Road Trips Tips

Have you ever had the urge to pack it all up, jump on your motorcycle and head out on a cross country motorcycle road trip? If you have, then believe me, you're not alone.
This year, literally thousands of motorcycle lovers will do just that - hit the road and drive for hundreds, maybe thousands of miles away from in search of fun and adventure.
Will you be one of them? I hope so.
Before you head out, I have some tips to help make your road trip a pleasure, and something you'll want to do next year.
Get Off The Interstates Personally, I only drive the interstate if I want to get somewhere in a hurry.
When I'm touring on my motorcycle, it's a different story.
I want to see the countryside, and experience the local flavors and food.
That's why I most always travel the back roads in search of adventure.
Small town cafes and museums are the best, especially if you've left some time to enjoy.
If you plan ahead, you could be enjoying a picnic lunch beside a babbling brook outside some small town by tomorrow noon! Travel Lightly One thing is for sure about motorcycle travel - you will be packing lightly.
Just the essentials, and maybe some food and drink for breaks.
Most small towns have a laundromat, so you can wash the few clothes you do pack.
Even if you plan on camping most nights, think about staying in a motel with a shower every three days or so.
The change will be delightful, and you can get some serious rest before hitting the road.
Don't forget any prescription (or non-prescription) medications such as antacid, ibuprofen and some personal items like a toothbrush and toothpaste.
I always bring a large container of water, and fill it regularly along the way.
You never know when you might get stranded without fresh water! Pack For Emergencies In addition to basic medications as mentioned above, I usually carry a good flashlight (with new batteries), a tire repair kit, a towel to lay on if I have to make repairs, and a tool kit - something beyond the standard kit that comes with most bikes.
You would be wise to pack an extra, fully charged cell phone battery.
If you're riding through "buggy" territory, carry some insect repellent, to keep the critters out of your helmet! Keep Your Schedule Open For sure, make a basic schedule for the big stuff - start and ending locations, but for really fun and interesting road trips, keep the "in between times" somewhat casual.
For example, if you found an interesting town or a museum that a few hours visit just wouldn't do, you can come back the next day, finish your visit and be on your way.
The same applies for most everything else - evening activities, local attractions - and more.
This "casual" planning can take the stress out of road trips.
Some would think it takes guts to up and ride away for a motorcycle road trip.
But, you know better - it just takes a little planning and a lot of enjoyment.
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