Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Conscious Business - Top 3 Signs of Positive Change

Nothing endures but change.
-Heraclitus Yesterday, I had the honor of participating in two of my spiritual masterminds.
One was with a group of fellow spiritually-oriented women entrepreneurs and the other was a one-on-on visioning session with a long-time friend.
The theme through both of these calls was change; deep, profound change.
We listened to each other speak and could sense the emergence of someone new...
someone who has evolved, grown and transformed.
It was a glorious experience to be conscious of the change that had occurred in others, as well as ourselves.
These conversations, caused me to contemplate what change really looks like.
If you're like me, you may sometimes find yourself going through a personal transformation (also known as an AFGO - Another Faithful Growth Opportunity) without being fully aware of what exactly is evolving.
Change without consciousness leads to fear.
And, fear leads to a whole slew of other negative experiences.
The purpose of sharing these top 3 signs of positive change is to raise your awareness of what's occurring within you.
So as you transform (and grow) you're conscious of what's evolving...
and have the ability to navigate through fear and welcome change with grace and ease.
Heightened Frustration - Who ever thought frustration would be a good thing?! Well, in this case it is.
Because, if you're frustrated with something in your life or your business, you're experiencing it because something that used to work isn't working anymore, or something that never worked is becoming totally intolerable.
Bless your frustration and ask it to show you what's changing? Frustration is a fantastic teacher to help you notice where your change is occurring and what you can do to move through it more easily.
Adjust your relationship to that which is frustrating you, and you'll see the gift of change waiting inside.
Highs and Lows - Change brings out a range of emotions that can be felt practically simultaneously.
For example, you may find yourself being ecstatically happy one moment, and crying the next.
This is a tell-tale sign of great change because as you come closer and closer to experiencing an inner shift, everything gets compressed.
Emotions become stronger, they swing from lows to highs more quickly than usual, and you may be wondering what in the world is going on!And the answer is...
change is going on! So, if you find yourself experiencing opposing emotions relatively close together in time, embrace them and let them remind you that you are going through a great change...
and all is unfolding exactly as it's meant to.
Seeking Solitude - Change requires a certain level of energy.
Whether or not you are aware of the change you're going through, your BEING knows what's going on.
And, as you expend energy in evolving and growing, a very natural response is to seek solitude.
Just like the butterfly that goes through it's most profound change in a cocoon of solitude, you may find your soul craving solitude as well.
Keep in mind that solitude is not the same as isolation...
if you're isolating it's because you don't want to deal with anything, whereas if you're seeking solitude it's because you're want to BE with yourself, in silence, in quiet, in peace.
Solitude is a gift any time, but especially when you're experiencing change the urge for solitude shows up to remind you to pay attention and nurture yourself as you grow.
Now that you're aware of these three signs, I encourage you to notice them when they show up in your life, and acknowledge them for what they are.
Give thanks for the change you are experiencing and allow yourself space to surrender, trust and embrace your next evolution.
It is all good...
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