Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Upper Body Workout Without Weights - Top 4 Home Workouts to Tone Upper Body and Abs in 4 Weeks

Many of us wish to have trimmed abs and toned body but do not have time to spare for the gymnasium.
Actually there are some workouts that can be done without the weights and the gym equipments in the home itself.
Doing these for merely 45 minutes in a day 5 times a week can help you have nice biceps.
If done with proper effort and determination it may also help you have 6 pack abs without any professional trainer.
Here are some upper body workouts for you: Upper body Workouts Pull ups: These help you build the back & the arms muscles.
All you need is a doorway or some bars or some surface that you can hand on.
Initially people do have problems doing the pull ups on their own.
It is advisable to take help from some family members during the workout.
Also you may use the resistance band.
This is called as 'momentum'.
Push ups: This form of upper body workouts assist in building your chest, arms and shoulder muscles.
It puts you through a complete range of motion.
The arms are locked up, the nose must hit against the floor, and the knees lay on the floor.
This comes in sync only with a lot of practice.
One arm push ups: You should start on with it only when you are comfortable doing the normal push ups.
To begin with just incline one hand on the high box.
Now decrease the height along with practice.
One arm pull ups: Just like push ups, in this case as well you must get on with it when you are comfortable doing level 1.
Besides, the above mentioned exercises, there are several others as well.
You can know better about them if you get an Ab Circle Pro for yourself.
This is simple & portable exercising equipment that would help you do the workouts more effectively.
Combining your workouts with Ab Circle Pro and acai berry diet supplement, you can easily get the well trimmed and toned body within a month.
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