Your crappie catching secrets may not be the same as another persons approach.
But, that's the fun of fishing.
It's the challenge of seeing if you can outwit that little creature in the water.
Isn't it great that we have the privilege and joy of being able to fish? So many things have been spoiled by technology and global warming.
You or may not believe in that.
That's a debate for another time though.
Crappie are a wonderful species of fish.
Unfortunately, they can overpopulate a pond or lake in no time at all.
That's why it really is helpful for fishermen (and fisherwomen) to "cull them out" a little.
Crappie are very prolific and will overpopulate a body of water very quickly.
Bass and other species can be crowded out in no time at all.
How much fun is that? One of the great crappie catching secrets is how good they are to eat! The meat is very tasty and among the favorites of many fishermen.
Another thing that many people don't realize is when to fish for crappie.
You might as well forget about a busy body of water during the middle of the day.
The fish will be almost impossible to catch.
Your chances of success will increase dramatically if you fish early in the morning or after dark.
By and large, crappie feed on minnows.
If your rig is flashy that's all the better.
Even though they may not be particularly hungry at the time, a bright object will often induce a strike.
It has been proven over and over again that this is the best way to catch crappie.
A lot of your success just depends on being willing to learn and try new things.
What may have worked last year or at another location is no guarantee that the same old approach will continue to work.
Being out on the water is so much more fun when you are actually catching fish! The old saying "practice makes perfect" is very true as well.
You may have your own ideas about the best way to catch crappie.
Your fishing skills should grow exponentially as you continue to expand your knowledge along the way.
But, that's the fun of fishing.
It's the challenge of seeing if you can outwit that little creature in the water.
Isn't it great that we have the privilege and joy of being able to fish? So many things have been spoiled by technology and global warming.
You or may not believe in that.
That's a debate for another time though.
Crappie are a wonderful species of fish.
Unfortunately, they can overpopulate a pond or lake in no time at all.
That's why it really is helpful for fishermen (and fisherwomen) to "cull them out" a little.
Crappie are very prolific and will overpopulate a body of water very quickly.
Bass and other species can be crowded out in no time at all.
How much fun is that? One of the great crappie catching secrets is how good they are to eat! The meat is very tasty and among the favorites of many fishermen.
Another thing that many people don't realize is when to fish for crappie.
You might as well forget about a busy body of water during the middle of the day.
The fish will be almost impossible to catch.
Your chances of success will increase dramatically if you fish early in the morning or after dark.
By and large, crappie feed on minnows.
If your rig is flashy that's all the better.
Even though they may not be particularly hungry at the time, a bright object will often induce a strike.
It has been proven over and over again that this is the best way to catch crappie.
A lot of your success just depends on being willing to learn and try new things.
What may have worked last year or at another location is no guarantee that the same old approach will continue to work.
Being out on the water is so much more fun when you are actually catching fish! The old saying "practice makes perfect" is very true as well.
You may have your own ideas about the best way to catch crappie.
Your fishing skills should grow exponentially as you continue to expand your knowledge along the way.