Like most of you when I thought about the idea of self defence it all boiled down to a fairly narrow view.
What I mean by that statement is all self defence meant to me was protecting myself from would be or actual attackers.
I continued to hold this view even after many years of training in various martial arts my thoughts had gone no further than that.
As a martial artist who thought he knew a thing or two about the subject I thought I would start a blog and give you all the benefits of my years of training and experience.
Well before I dipped my toes into the sometimes muddy waters of blogging I decided to see for myself what was already out there in the fields of martial arts self defence or self protection as some of you will prefer.
What I discovered in some ways delighted me in others horrified to the point of anger.
One website in particular caught my eye and I read with growing amazement and anger, this gentleman and I use the word loosely went on to state I have had over five hundred street fights sometimes against multiple opponents and never with a capital N lost a fight.
He then went on to describe how he had beaten down and in some cases hospitalised his unlucky opponents and the long list of his own injuries including being stabbed multiple times been shot at hit with baseball bats iron bars.
Was this the sort of self defence I would teach or advocate the answer is a resounding no? In fact I have a few questions for this man.
1 / How come you are not in prison? 2 / Are you a psycho? 3 / Are you a liar? 4 / Have you got a face only a mother could love? 5 / Do I want to train with you or have anything to do with you? Hell no! To be fair this was the worst of these sorts of websites or blogs some I found actually started me thinking not only about my own attitude to self defence but about the words self defence themselves.
What I came to realise instead of just being about protection from would be attackers the words encompass virtually our whole lives not just this narrow view.
From the moment we are born we struggle to survive our bodies start to fight back against disease by developing anti bodies so in effect self defence starts early.
The older we get more and more things threaten us stress ageing being overweight fitness to name just a few and the list goes on.
On some level we are all practicing self defence on a daily basis be it watching our weight or trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In fact I would go as far to say at some level we are all experts.
This thinking has made me realise my blog though called self defence made easy will cover over time many diverse subjects I freely admit my first love is the martial arts and some of the great and influential people I have met and in a lot of cases trained with whose teachings or philosophies I am happy to promote on my blog.
So my blog will cover a vast amount of information and will also give me the chance to stretch my writing muscles and produce some interesting and hopefully thought provoking articles in the future.
What I mean by that statement is all self defence meant to me was protecting myself from would be or actual attackers.
I continued to hold this view even after many years of training in various martial arts my thoughts had gone no further than that.
As a martial artist who thought he knew a thing or two about the subject I thought I would start a blog and give you all the benefits of my years of training and experience.
Well before I dipped my toes into the sometimes muddy waters of blogging I decided to see for myself what was already out there in the fields of martial arts self defence or self protection as some of you will prefer.
What I discovered in some ways delighted me in others horrified to the point of anger.
One website in particular caught my eye and I read with growing amazement and anger, this gentleman and I use the word loosely went on to state I have had over five hundred street fights sometimes against multiple opponents and never with a capital N lost a fight.
He then went on to describe how he had beaten down and in some cases hospitalised his unlucky opponents and the long list of his own injuries including being stabbed multiple times been shot at hit with baseball bats iron bars.
Was this the sort of self defence I would teach or advocate the answer is a resounding no? In fact I have a few questions for this man.
1 / How come you are not in prison? 2 / Are you a psycho? 3 / Are you a liar? 4 / Have you got a face only a mother could love? 5 / Do I want to train with you or have anything to do with you? Hell no! To be fair this was the worst of these sorts of websites or blogs some I found actually started me thinking not only about my own attitude to self defence but about the words self defence themselves.
What I came to realise instead of just being about protection from would be attackers the words encompass virtually our whole lives not just this narrow view.
From the moment we are born we struggle to survive our bodies start to fight back against disease by developing anti bodies so in effect self defence starts early.
The older we get more and more things threaten us stress ageing being overweight fitness to name just a few and the list goes on.
On some level we are all practicing self defence on a daily basis be it watching our weight or trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In fact I would go as far to say at some level we are all experts.
This thinking has made me realise my blog though called self defence made easy will cover over time many diverse subjects I freely admit my first love is the martial arts and some of the great and influential people I have met and in a lot of cases trained with whose teachings or philosophies I am happy to promote on my blog.
So my blog will cover a vast amount of information and will also give me the chance to stretch my writing muscles and produce some interesting and hopefully thought provoking articles in the future.