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The got top one hundred right here it's Sunday night in los angels allingbut impossible tonight's we attend the city streets in celebrating sate of bio bases not demonstrate no special effects it's all about the ball courage of one ninety two nights who plays a life on the line by racing straight interpose in fact I as you can see the win Danny is being playing around in the rain has been here all day is a lasting ascend to a state throughout the shine will be consulting with our safety express animation religious to track the progress of the storm box last week about how she had without Denny's while records tell one hundred countdown with another bright man Gustafson a lot number one hundred.

Most he's in a human being mark leukemia hopes to break the previous guinnessworld records eighty one pounds of these one person starts with the queen bee despite all of the other lobby's naturally revert to me they must move fast at a hundred and twenty degrees landmark could overheat suffocate paramedic standby in case of emergency markets forty nine and a half pounds apiece on the spot and they killed thousands leads down his pants marches broken record eighty seven making news in Israel record holder mostly sunny papers and stuff highest lifeline walks Christian school was attempting to cross the Norwegian fjord three thousand two hundred Michael how strong test the line first anybody to begin Christian rocks and wrong dreamlandapprox each line Michael tiger.

Us like a makes it across now here's the Guinness world records his highly Alexander more highest one here yeah extremist groups dream cast again so much together designer want to make or buy character timing sucks here gets her fifteen inch waist the old-fashioned way corset endowment of racism Dan ruts concentrating down to maintain this hour glass figure keep inside a everyday for twenty three and a half hours for the past twenty five years capital goods in this world record holder reports smallest waste television gender aboard a retailer's trying to break his this tower thirty four feet eleven inches these two feet taller than his last hour this technique never look down into twelve inches of moderates full in eighteen thousand six thirty four feet eleven inches twelve inches of water and ninety six Michigan's wait served a day at Vitamax Garcinia Cambogia the beach club pro surfer everyday is catching.
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