- 1). Write "I am the Bread of Life" in large letters with a marker on the bottom of 18-by-24-inch poster board. The words may appear as simply or elaborately as you wish, but leave as much room as possible on the poster board.
- 2). Cut yellow construction paper into the shape of a chalice, and glue the chalice shape to the poster board. The chalice represents the Communion wine.
- 3). Cut brown construction paper to create what looks like loaves of bread. Make one loaf for each child. The loaves represent the Communion bread.
- 4). Give each child a marker and a loaf created from construction paper. Have each child write on her loaf one way she gave life to or fed her friends, family or community.
- 5). Ask each child to explain what he wrote. Glue all of the loaves to the poster board.
- 6). Explain the parallel between the children's examples and the life given by Holy Communion. Remind the Communicants that by giving life to friends, family and the community, they share the love of Jesus with other people.