- "He was the world's most notorious seducer. A swashbuckler, master of disguise and wit. It was said no woman could resist Casanova's amorous charms. Until now.
For the first time in his life, the legendary Casanova (Heath Ledger) is about to meet his match with an alluring Venetian beauty, Francesca (Sienna Miller), who does the one thing he never thought possible: refuse him."
Touchstone Pictures' official movie site for "Casanova," also starring Lena Olin, Jeremy Irons, and Oliver Platt, presents the movie trailer, a photo gallery, production notes, screensaver, and desktop wallpapers.
Go: "Casanova"
Heath Ledger in Lasse Hallstrom's Romantic Comedy Movie
- "He was the world's most notorious seducer. A swashbuckler, master of disguise and wit. It was said no woman could resist Casanova's amorous charms. Until now.
For the first time in his life, the legendary Casanova (Heath Ledger) is about to meet his match with an alluring Venetian beauty, Francesca (Sienna Miller), who does the one thing he never thought possible: refuse him."
Go: "Casanova"