- 1). Turn all gas off to the old meter if the new meter is a replacement. Remove the dust caps from the outlet and inlet pipes. Place the caps on the old meter to prevent dust and dirt from entering.
- 2). Attach the inlet and outlet sides of the meter to the inlet and outlet pipes of the house and main gas line. Install a rigid metal bar to prevent pipe stress, if desired.
- 3). Tighten the inlet swivel cap by hand. Purge the meter by pressurizing the system. Air will run out of the meter into the outlet pipe. Hand-tighten the outlet swivel cap once the system is purged.
- 4). Turn both swivel caps three times with the pipe wrench, alternating from one to the other. Avoid tightening too much. Apply soapy water to connections and open the gas main. If bubbles form, there is a leak.
- 5). Turn off the gas main and tighten the connection more. Perform another check to ensure there is no gas leaking.