Health & Medical Body building

Teens and Muscle Building

There is an ongoing controversial debate on whether or not teenagers should undergo a muscle building regimen.
Among the questions asked include "Should you allow a teen to lift heavy weights?" and "Will a teenager's growth be stunted if he or she undergoes weight training?" In truth, teenagers who desire to lift weights and build up their muscles are often contradicted by their elders, who don't believe that they should undergo strength training for fear that their growth might be stunted and other similar concerns.
Admittedly, muscle building during the teenaged years remains a controversial subject.
However, let us take a look at the issues concerned while, at the same time, applying information from medical research studies.
Stunting of Growth The most persistent argument against muscle building in teens is stunting of growth.
In general, the factors that govern growth are genetics, diet and especially sleep.
The role of exercise is still under considerable debate.
Many believe that by performing muscle building at such a young age, the growth plates will close earlier.
The concern here is that if the growth plates close early, growth and expansion of bone mass will be inhibited.
Normally, the growth plates close in males when they reach the age of 21, so that they no longer grow after this age.
However, research has yet to conclusively demonstrate early closure of growth plates.
In contrast, most studies have shown that by exercising and observing proper form during weight lifting, extra growth can actually be stimulated.
You only need to look at world famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenneger, Lou Ferrigno and Dave Draper for proof that growth stunting is a myth.
Schwarzenneger started bodybuilding at age 14, Ferrigno at age 13, and Draper even younger at age 10.
These men have grown in excess of 6 feet.
The most recent example of muscle building in a teenager is Taylor Lautner.
For his preparation for the "Twilight" saga, the 16-year old actor built up an impressive physique which earned praises from both fitness experts and fans alike.
Exercise with Caution by Observing Proper Posture and Form If there is one thing that parents need to be concerned about if their teenager wants to go into muscle building, it is the observance of proper form and posture while lifting weights.
In their eagerness to show off to their friends, they might lift weights without maintaining correct posture and form, putting them at risk for back problems and serious injuries.
Fitness experts that correct body posture should be maintained for the entirety of a weight training session, such as when lifting a dumbbell or a barbell.
It is highly advised to always begin with lighter weights.
While it may seem embarrassing at first and may make you look weak, starting with a lighter weight can make you more conscious of your posture and form when lifting.
Also, over-lifting can be detrimental to your body.
Although it is the rule of thumb to lift heavy weights to build muscles, do not lift too heavy weights or else you run the risk of suffering from serious injuries.
If you are lifting weights for the first time, make it a point to study diagrams on correct posture and proper form.
It is ideal to have a knowledgeable adult or a personal trainer supervising your training who will make sure that you are lifting the weights correctly and properly.
Spotters are especially necessary when doing bench presses.
In the event that you can no longer lift the weight, the spotter can grab the barbell from your hands before it crashes down on your head and/or neck.
Watch Your Diet Because of their hectic lifestyle, teenagers usually don't follow healthy diets and eating habits.
You see them skipping meals and chowing down on fast and junk foods.
Even if they spend many hours pumping iron in the gym, they don't see any noticeable changes in their body.
When it comes to muscle growth and building, it is essential to eat a healthy, nutritious diet.
It should include proteins (meat, eggs and milk), carbohydrates for energy (rice, bread and potatoes), and vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables).
Only take supplements that are recommended to you by your doctor.
In fact, a balanced diet should already meet your nutrient requirements.
Taking excess supplements may cause detrimental effects upon your body.
Additional Tips Because teens are in a reckless stage, they tend to pack their daily schedules and try out alcohol and other substances that are bad for health.
Do not smoke and drink, and get enough sleep at night.
If you are sick, you cannot train and, thus, cannot build muscles.
Make sure that you eat a healthy diet and be committed to observing a weight training regimen.
In no time at all, you will soon achieve the desired results.
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