Health & Medical Anxiety

The Basics of Anxiety and How to Stop Anxiety Attacks in Their Tracks

If you have ever suffered from that uncomfortable feeling of fear or that something bad was going to happen then you too have suffered from some form of an anxiety attack.
What causes one person to feel anxious may not create the same response in someone else.
Things like breaking up, worrying about exams, or a fight with a friend can cause some to feel anxious, worried or even scared.
While this anxious feeling is the body's normal response to a potentially dangerous situation, many experience what can be considered an anxiety attack to even the most common of situations.
When your anxiety attacks start to take control of your life and interfere with normal day to day activities, you need to find out how to stop anxiety attacks.
A good place to start is to enlist the help of a doctor or clinical psychologist when you finally make the decision that you need to find ways for coping with anxiety once and for all.
Anxiety can have an effect on both your physical and mental health and the symptoms that you experience can depend on any number of factors.
Some may have symptoms that will pass quickly, while others may experience ones that can last for a long time which is why it is so important to learn how to stop anxiety attacks by learning the symptoms they cause.
Some of the most common way that anxiety can affect your mental health are as follows:
  • Feeling irritable or being in a constant bad mood.
  • Feeling worried or a nagging feeling that something bad is about to happen.
  • Asking a lot of unnecessary questions and requiring constant reassurance from others.
  • Always being well behaved when at school or out with friends but not necessarily well behaved at home.
  • Constantly getting upset when a mistake is made or if a change is made to your routine such as a game day for sports, a substitute teacher, an unexpected visitor, or a trip to an unfamiliar place.
  • Choosing to be a loner, or only hang out with a small group of group of people that are commonly either older or younger than you are.
  • Choosing to be a perfectionist which requires you to take a long time to complete homework or other task because you try to have it absolutely correct.
  • Choosing to be argumentative, but not aggressive particularly when you are trying to avoid a feared situation.
  • Choosing to be pessimistic and having the ability to easily identify what could go wrong in any particular situation.
  • Choosing to not answer questions and volunteer comments or information at school or work.
Anxiety can take a toll on more than just your mental health which can make coping with anxiety quite difficult.
It can also have a negative effect on your physical wellbeing with some of the most common physical symptoms being the following:
  • A constant dry mouth and/or difficulty swallowing
  • Suffering from nightmares
  • Having a hard time falling and staying asleep
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Experiencing muscle tension and headaches
  • Experiencing a rapid heart rate and fast paced breathing
  • Experiencing sweating
  • Suffering from uncontrollable trembling
  • Suffering from diarrhea
  • Experiencing a flare-up of another health problems or illness that may have been dormant such as dermatitis or asthma
  • Suffering from sexual problems, such as not being interested in sex or having any form of sexual feelings
If you find yourself suffering from some or all of these symptoms, here are some simple tips that can help you learn how to stop anxiety attacks in their tracks.
They are as follows:
  1. Look for ways to change your lifestyle.
    When it comes to decreasing or eliminating the level of anxiety that you face on a daily basis, a good way to stop anxiety attacks is to identify the things that are causing you stress and when possible change your lifestyle so you can avoid those triggers.
    Worst case you may need to confront the triggers head on so you can finally end your attacks once and for all.
  2. Make sure to eat right and get some exercise.
    People who constantly feel anxious commonly end up neglecting themselves.
    This usually ends up feeding the anxiety instead of helping the sufferer find ways for coping with anxiety.
    Make sure you take the time to eat right and get some exercise as these simple things will help greatly in improving your health and well being.
  3. Find ways to relax.
    A good solution for coping with anxiety is to take some time to relax.
    Something as simple as going for a walk or taking a yoga or Tai Chi class can help you improve your mental well being.
    When you can take control of your mental stability in times of stress it can help you stop anxiety attacks in their tracks.
  4. Try and talk it out.
    One of the easiest ways to work through your anxiety is to just talk.
    Whether it' s to a friend, or your pet, talking about what bothers you can actually help decrease the amount of anxiety you are currently feeling.
    When you talk it out, you increase the chances of finding a logical way to solve the problem instead of harbouring the feelings that can possibly make the situation worse.
Keep these tips in mind the next time you find yourself feeling anxious.
In time you will have the learned how to stop anxiety attacks once and for all.
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