The steady and persistent dripping of water can eventually wear away even the hardest stone.
The repetitive pounding of a hammer can reshape steel.
And so will those who are undaunted by a lack of initial success eventually persevere if they will only persist.
We've heard the aphorisms:If at first you don't succeed...
slow and steady wins the race...
when your horse throws you, get back on.
All great motivators when you need a pep talk, right! This is not to say that continued repetition of failed tactics can ever prevail.
After all, Einstein once said that insanity was "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
" Rather, it is the conviction of one's beliefs that will fuel his desire and feed his vision of achievement.
Many successful salesmen will tell you that it is far easier for them to promote and sell a product that they truly believe in.
It makes sense because you have the strength of conviction working for you.
And that can inspire you to persist in knocking on the next door, and the next and the one after that.
Failure will often teach us what doesn't work, but it won't always make clear why our strategies fail.
We need to combine the persistence of effort with an analysis of our tactics to discover those answers.
There are techniques for accessing the subconscious to help us acquire the answers we seek.
These methods may include meditation, hypnosis or self-hypnosis.
Sensory deprivation can be helpful in altering one's state of mind and making it more receptive to the flow of imagery from the subconscious.
That's why it is best to create an environment that is peaceful (minimum noise levels, soft music or sound, if any) with low lighting.
Spending at least 15 minutes maintaining a meditative state will usually suffice.
Continued and frequent practice will make it easier to attain a tranquil state of mind.
In time you will find creative solutions expressing themselves with spontaneity and increasing frequency.
This technique is also useful in finding misplaced objects.
During periods of meditation it is useful to use visualization to give form to our objectives.
Envisioning a process or a result will remove us from an abstract to a more concrete realm.
Sometimes it is best to do this shortly before falling asleep.
This will allow the subconscious mind to work through the problem in its own manner.
You may have a solution occur when awaking the next morning.
Always be prepared to with paper and pen to write down any thoughts that come to mind.
Whether or not you believe that the inspiration for these ideas originates with a shared super-consciousness or is simply a manifestation of the inner workings of our own minds, it can be used to our personal benefit if we commit to redouble efforts and continue to persist until we overcome all obstacles to our progress.
The repetitive pounding of a hammer can reshape steel.
And so will those who are undaunted by a lack of initial success eventually persevere if they will only persist.
We've heard the aphorisms:If at first you don't succeed...
slow and steady wins the race...
when your horse throws you, get back on.
All great motivators when you need a pep talk, right! This is not to say that continued repetition of failed tactics can ever prevail.
After all, Einstein once said that insanity was "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
" Rather, it is the conviction of one's beliefs that will fuel his desire and feed his vision of achievement.
Many successful salesmen will tell you that it is far easier for them to promote and sell a product that they truly believe in.
It makes sense because you have the strength of conviction working for you.
And that can inspire you to persist in knocking on the next door, and the next and the one after that.
Failure will often teach us what doesn't work, but it won't always make clear why our strategies fail.
We need to combine the persistence of effort with an analysis of our tactics to discover those answers.
There are techniques for accessing the subconscious to help us acquire the answers we seek.
These methods may include meditation, hypnosis or self-hypnosis.
Sensory deprivation can be helpful in altering one's state of mind and making it more receptive to the flow of imagery from the subconscious.
That's why it is best to create an environment that is peaceful (minimum noise levels, soft music or sound, if any) with low lighting.
Spending at least 15 minutes maintaining a meditative state will usually suffice.
Continued and frequent practice will make it easier to attain a tranquil state of mind.
In time you will find creative solutions expressing themselves with spontaneity and increasing frequency.
This technique is also useful in finding misplaced objects.
During periods of meditation it is useful to use visualization to give form to our objectives.
Envisioning a process or a result will remove us from an abstract to a more concrete realm.
Sometimes it is best to do this shortly before falling asleep.
This will allow the subconscious mind to work through the problem in its own manner.
You may have a solution occur when awaking the next morning.
Always be prepared to with paper and pen to write down any thoughts that come to mind.
Whether or not you believe that the inspiration for these ideas originates with a shared super-consciousness or is simply a manifestation of the inner workings of our own minds, it can be used to our personal benefit if we commit to redouble efforts and continue to persist until we overcome all obstacles to our progress.