- 1). Create your images in the Adobe Flash SDK. Create each image in parts, for example, a car wheel, a car door and the car body. Select the part you have just drawn with the selection tool. Click "Modify," then click "Convert to Symbol."
- 2). Create your layers once you have created and converted each part in your animation to a symbol. Name each layer in a way that will help you remember what layer is for which part. Place each individual symbol onto the stage in its own layer. Place images meant to enter the stage at a later time to the left or right of the stage, outside of its boundaries.
- 3). Insert your keyframes at your desired intervals on the timeline. Right-click the timeline and click "Insert Motion Tween" to place a motion frame on the desired layer in the timeline. Select the first frame of your motion tween in the timeline, and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the associated image to your desired location.
- 4). Test your animation often once you have set every piece of your animation with a motion tween. Export to .SWF from the "File" menu when all of your pieces move the way you want them to.
Creating your animation.