- 1). Burn away the fat covering the muscles of your legs by performing cardiovascular exercise four times a week for an hour per session. Include a diet plan consisting in the calorie range of 1,200 to 1,500 calories. This range doesn't differ no matter your height or weight and is enough calories to support an active lifestyle. Don't consume any less than 1200 calories per day or your body will enter a state of famine and hold onto your fat.
- 2). Build muscle with a weight-training program. Perform squats, lunges and leg presses in a weight range where you can do between eight and 12 repetitions per set. For your first workout, do just one set of each exercise and add a set for your second workout, do three sets on your fourth workout and four sets on your sixth workout. Take 48 hours off between workouts and don't schedule weightlifting and cardio in the same gym session. Weight training removes cellulite to create smoother legs.
- 3). Get a tan. Tanning brings out muscle definition. Depending on your climate and the current season, you can either go out in the sun to tan or you can get a fake tan. Stay away from tanning beds, the American Cancer Society urges, over concerns of increased risks of melanoma. Spray tans are safe and you can even apply your own tan using a commercial sunless tanner by following the directions on the label.
- 4). Remove the hair from your legs. Go to a professional or do it yourself. Having a professional do it for you is the quickest method, but you can save money by buying some wax and waxing strips from a beauty supply store. There are also spray-on solutions that you leave on for a specific amount of time, depending on the brand, and simply wipe off.