Most people take a lot of care when buying their first horse, and rightly so. You need to ensure the horse is right for your particular skill level, and your riding purposes. Yet many people dont know that they should spend just as much time choosing their first set of riding equipment and clothing. Heres a brief guide to the basic clothing youll need for riding.
Helmet the most important piece of equipment is a riding helmet. A good helmet should be hard, strong, made out of quality material to protect your head in the event of a fall. The helmet should fit snugly on your head, and always replace your helmet if you have had an accident, as helmets become weak after suffering trauma.
Boots Snug fitting, proper riding boots are essential for safe riding. Tuck any long loose fitting pants into the boots to so they won't get caught or distract the animal.
Vest If you do quite a bit of jumping with your horse, it's a good idea to invest in a lightweight safety vest to protect your ribs and torso in the event of a fall.
Gloves a sturdy pair of gloves are important to help you grip the reins better, and for protecting your fingers from getting burned by the leather.
Leg wear There are a number of options for horse riding legwear, and youll need to determine which is right for your needs. Jodhpurs should be reinforced and slightly padded around the inside area, and should be tight fitting yet flexible around the knees. Riding jeans are another option, as they have no inseam that will rub against your leg while you're in the saddle.
Sun protection If youre going to be riding your horse outdoors a lot, dont forget sunscreen and other appropriate sun smart clothing to protect against sunburn.
If youve shopped around and done your research on the exact kinds of equipment and clothing you want, dont forget there are a number of websites selling horse riding equipment online. Horse websites dont only advertise mares for sale, or miniature horses for sale. Many also offer classifieds for new and second hand equipment (remember: dont buy second-hand helmets helmets must be brand new to offer the greatest protection).
Helmet the most important piece of equipment is a riding helmet. A good helmet should be hard, strong, made out of quality material to protect your head in the event of a fall. The helmet should fit snugly on your head, and always replace your helmet if you have had an accident, as helmets become weak after suffering trauma.
Boots Snug fitting, proper riding boots are essential for safe riding. Tuck any long loose fitting pants into the boots to so they won't get caught or distract the animal.
Vest If you do quite a bit of jumping with your horse, it's a good idea to invest in a lightweight safety vest to protect your ribs and torso in the event of a fall.
Gloves a sturdy pair of gloves are important to help you grip the reins better, and for protecting your fingers from getting burned by the leather.
Leg wear There are a number of options for horse riding legwear, and youll need to determine which is right for your needs. Jodhpurs should be reinforced and slightly padded around the inside area, and should be tight fitting yet flexible around the knees. Riding jeans are another option, as they have no inseam that will rub against your leg while you're in the saddle.
Sun protection If youre going to be riding your horse outdoors a lot, dont forget sunscreen and other appropriate sun smart clothing to protect against sunburn.
If youve shopped around and done your research on the exact kinds of equipment and clothing you want, dont forget there are a number of websites selling horse riding equipment online. Horse websites dont only advertise mares for sale, or miniature horses for sale. Many also offer classifieds for new and second hand equipment (remember: dont buy second-hand helmets helmets must be brand new to offer the greatest protection).