Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Funeral Service Ideas

    Check for Instructions

    • Some people plan their funeral service themselves long before passing away. If this has been done, chances are your loved one would have told you where to find them. Read his instructions carefully and follow them to the letter. Following his wishes, no matter how crazy they may seem to you, is your way of paying your final respects to him.

    Create a Memory Table

    • This is a place for the displaying of personal photos or memorabilia that was special or important to your loved one. If he was a veteran of the military and honored with medals, display these. If he was an avid golfer and belonged to a hole-in-one club, display this as well. You can include a written explanation behind each piece or photo, stating its meaning to him. Then leave pens and paper out so the guests can write some of their most treasured memories of him as well.

    Personal Tributes

    • Though the standard for most funeral services is for one person to deliver a eulogy, this can often leave out some very special, happy memories others may have shared with her. Rather than having a eulogy, plan a time for personal tributes. Once everyone is seated in the room, announce you would like to go around the room and one-by-one, have everyone share a special memory. If someone doesn't want to participate, this is OK. However those who do share should keep their tributes as upbeat as possible, sparking a giggle here and there, along with smiles.

    Create a Photo Slideshow

    • Gather some of your favorite photos of your loved one, and place them in chronological order so they display the happiest, most important moments of his life. These photos can then be formatted into a DVD, set to his favorite music and played at his service. This is a wonderful way of remembering him and celebrating the greatest moments of his life.

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