- 1). Navigate to the Web page for your local Craigslist and click "Post to Classifieds" to begin creating a new post. You'll need to sign into your Craigslist account or create a new one before you can post anything.
- 2). Click the "Services Offered" radio button on the What Type of Posting Is This? page.
- 3). Click the radio button next to the category into which your service fits most neatly.
- 4). Enter the ad's title and body text normally on the next page. Do not click "Continue" yet, however.
- 5). Click where you'd like the photo to appear in the posting description. For legibility's sake, avoid clicking in the middle of a word.
- 6). Link to the photo you'd like to use by adding the HTML <img> element. Use the "src" attribute in the tag to point to the photo's existing URL in its entirety. Place quotation marks around the URL. For example, the following code links to the example.jpg image on the example.com server.
<img src="http://www.example.com/example.jpg"> - 7). Click "Continue" to preview the ad. Check that the image looks good in the post. If it doesn't appear, you've either entered the HTML incorrectly or the URL is either incomplete or invalid. Click "Edit Again" to make any needed changes.