Health & Medical Lose Weight

Can Weight Loss Reverse the Risk of Developing Cancer and Heart Disease?

People decide to lose weight because of a number of reasons.
Some will do it to get rid of the extra pounds in their thighs or belly so as to improve their self esteem.
Some will do it because they want to fit in a certain dress on a special occasion while others due to health reasons.
People that are overweight are more prone to suffer from illnesses compared to ordinary people without excess weight.
The main reason why many people who are overweight decide to lose weight is usually due to health reasons.
Some diseases brought about being overweight include heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes which can be fatal if not treated.
As much as the body needs fats, excess fat in the body is the cause of all these conditions.
Getting rid of these excess body fats will make a great difference in reducing the chances of getting sick as well as help you manage the disease easily.
Heart conditions brought about by weight loss happens as a result of eating a lot of unhealthy food.
Processed carbohydrates, sugar and calorie filled snacks and foods are the source of these fats.
Fat deposits accumulate in the blood vessels as well as the outer walls of heart.
The more you eat this unhealthy food the thicker the fat deposits get reducing the circumference of the vessels; therefore it becomes difficult for blood to pass through.
This results in increased blood pressure.
The same effects occur on the heart, the heart muscles are hardened by the fat deposits so that it loses the elasticity and ability to pump.
This will cause the heart to work harder to pump the same amount of blood faster all over the body leading to heart attack.
In instances where the fat deposits block the blood vessel, that transports blood to the brain you can have a stroke, which can be fatal.
Exercise and healthy eating not only gives your immune system boost against these diseases, but aids in removing the excess fats and deposits in your system and have a healthy heart.
Excess body weight is another attraction of cancer.
People that are over weight greatly increase their chances of getting cancer of any type than average weight people.
It usually begins with stress, that is dealt with by over indulgence of unhealthy food which leads you to being overweight and that attracts many other diseases one of them cancer.
Eating healthy foods with vegetables and fruits are great for preventing and reducing the chances of getting cancer.
Fresh natural foods contain antioxidants that fight abnormal growth of cells that cause cancer.
Eating unhealthy food will not provide your body with this natural protection therefore increase the chances of getting and fighting cancer.
Include exercise to your lifestyle and have a healthy diet to keep cancer at bay.
All these diseases can be prevented by taking good care of your health.
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