I have been in the game for years, I actually started accumulating PUA oriented materials when I was just a kid of 14 or 15, I'M 38 years old now...
do the math.
In that time I've seen the most absolute crap you can imagine.
I've also learned some pure gold and a lot of it through the current PUA Gurus of today.
I'm also a very experienced teacher and practitioner of other "mind and body" oriented skills including, acupuncture and oriental medicine, Taoist sexual kung fu, hypnosis, and nlp .
The First thing most folks have to do in order to be really good at seduction is also one of the hardest...
Slow the heck down! Everyone wants to get out there and mystically and magically hit every HB they can with the kitchen sink and make them levitate naked into their bed screaming in ecstasy.
It's just doesn't work that way...
at least not right away Everyone comes into the game with different aptitudes, skill sets and inner game issues that need to be dealt with.
Now, Inner game stuff aside its important to remember that what your doing is learning a new set of skills.
Acquiring new skills also requires a methodology whereby you can measure your progress and a give yourself a road map from point A to point Z.
Make sense? Good I thought so too...
The first problem like I mentioned is people try to move faster than the skill sets they have internalized allow...
consequently this leads to a lot higher ratio of crash and burns (and consequent blows to self esteem, self image and self confidence) than may in fact be necessary.
The other is not having a clearly defined map or strategy to where you want to go, we deal with that first.
The first step you have to take is a concept I learned from a rather famous Trainer (infamous in some circles) its called segment intending.
The concept behind segmenting your intention is simply to identify in as small a chunk as possible exactly what it is your trying to accomplish and make sure you accomplish that one objective before moving on to the next.
Lets look at the PUA Process for example...
What's the overall outcome? (that's a big chunk intention by the way) For most of us Getting laid is somewhere near the top so we will start there.
Now, the next thing you would have to ask yourself is what exactly in necessary for me to get laid? Well you would probably have to get a HB nice and horny (i.
buying temperature) right? Now, in order for that to happen what would have to come right before it? Right before that? Right before that? Get it? Continue the process of working backward until you have a clearly defined series of steps starting with the goal you chose and then working back in sequential micro-steps to the very first thing you would have to accomplish in order to initiate the sequence from the very beginning with the outcome being the automatic attainment of your goal i.
moist relief!.
Now remember a lot of the steps in your segment intending will in fact be contingent upon what ever system or combination of PUA systems your using but that doesn't preclude having to include the acquisition of certain skill sets into your repertoire of tools.
That's part of the process and really to me sounds like utter common sense but for some it may be new and may in fact help you design and modify what you know to be more effective because the process may in fact allow you to become more aware of things your missing.
Now, the above-mentioned exercise is one that translates into the acquisition of just about any objective.
We are talking about skill acquisition.
Lets face it; we all want to hit a home run the first time out.
Our unconscious mind tends to perpetuate the behaviors and actions that give us the most protection and/or pleasure and given no other instructions our unconscious mind will continue to do exactly what it has always done before time and time again so unless your already highly successful with women you probably don't want your U.
running its default program.
The U.
learns best in small chunks repeated over time with positive feedback reinforcing the behavior.
Remember big successes are made from a bunch of little ones! Kind of like making sure all the steps are done right in a math equation ultimately yields a correct answer, that concept works the same way with other skills as well.
So in order to minimize your crashes and burns, while building up your successes you need to make your practice more "segmented" If your doing an SS/nlp based system and you want to run patterns, its almost impossible to do if you can't even walk up to a woman and make or keep positive eye contact.
By the same token if you want to work groups in clubs, you can't really open a set if you can't approach or you don't have the requisite openers readily prepared, can you? So naturally the first step you would do before even initiating a pattern would be to actually just walk up to a someone and say "Hi" while keeping positive eye contact.
That's it! NO MORE, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! FEEL GOOD! Small chunk assimilated, really easy to do.
When your confident enough with that, add one more small chunk.
Let's say your having trouble with even doing that, if so, then its time to chunk down to an even smaller easily attainable segment intention.
Instead of doing an actual walk up, practice getting good eye contact from people you know, people you walk past etc.
Keep doing that until you can hold a steady gaze, once you can hold a steady gaze (not staring mind you that creeps people out and get you in a nasty fight if your not too careful) then add one thing to the drill...
a smile.
Seems like we are really micro managing doesn't it..
but guess what, each easily digestible micro- chunk builds your confidence, reinforces success through what works and integrates your micro-behaviors at the unconscious level where you really need them, and it boosts your self esteem, and if you want true inner game, you must, you must you must build your self esteem .
This process also automatically enhances your congruency, meaning what you say and what you do are in sync with one another.
(Women are killer at picking up the incongruities between what men say and how they act.
) while at the same time you are rehearsing success after success and getting positive feedback at the same time.
This allows you to naturally feel like your accomplishing something and that engenders the tendency to continue practicing.
Sounds like a good time to me! One of the first mistakes newbies make is that they try do too, much too fast.
Sometimes the slower approach is often the faster approach.
Now once you have the hang of chunking down and digesting each step before you go on to the next, Your learning process becomes very systematic in the way you can begin to add just one more piece at a time to your existing sequence of skills.
You will naturally find yourself working steadily through the 4 stages of learning.
Unconscious incompetence - Conscious incompetence - Conscious Competence - Unconscious Competence And the successes will in fact come much faster than you might expect.
Seductively Yours MasterClass
do the math.
In that time I've seen the most absolute crap you can imagine.
I've also learned some pure gold and a lot of it through the current PUA Gurus of today.
I'm also a very experienced teacher and practitioner of other "mind and body" oriented skills including, acupuncture and oriental medicine, Taoist sexual kung fu, hypnosis, and nlp .
The First thing most folks have to do in order to be really good at seduction is also one of the hardest...
Slow the heck down! Everyone wants to get out there and mystically and magically hit every HB they can with the kitchen sink and make them levitate naked into their bed screaming in ecstasy.
It's just doesn't work that way...
at least not right away Everyone comes into the game with different aptitudes, skill sets and inner game issues that need to be dealt with.
Now, Inner game stuff aside its important to remember that what your doing is learning a new set of skills.
Acquiring new skills also requires a methodology whereby you can measure your progress and a give yourself a road map from point A to point Z.
Make sense? Good I thought so too...
The first problem like I mentioned is people try to move faster than the skill sets they have internalized allow...
consequently this leads to a lot higher ratio of crash and burns (and consequent blows to self esteem, self image and self confidence) than may in fact be necessary.
The other is not having a clearly defined map or strategy to where you want to go, we deal with that first.
The first step you have to take is a concept I learned from a rather famous Trainer (infamous in some circles) its called segment intending.
The concept behind segmenting your intention is simply to identify in as small a chunk as possible exactly what it is your trying to accomplish and make sure you accomplish that one objective before moving on to the next.
Lets look at the PUA Process for example...
What's the overall outcome? (that's a big chunk intention by the way) For most of us Getting laid is somewhere near the top so we will start there.
Now, the next thing you would have to ask yourself is what exactly in necessary for me to get laid? Well you would probably have to get a HB nice and horny (i.
buying temperature) right? Now, in order for that to happen what would have to come right before it? Right before that? Right before that? Get it? Continue the process of working backward until you have a clearly defined series of steps starting with the goal you chose and then working back in sequential micro-steps to the very first thing you would have to accomplish in order to initiate the sequence from the very beginning with the outcome being the automatic attainment of your goal i.
moist relief!.
Now remember a lot of the steps in your segment intending will in fact be contingent upon what ever system or combination of PUA systems your using but that doesn't preclude having to include the acquisition of certain skill sets into your repertoire of tools.
That's part of the process and really to me sounds like utter common sense but for some it may be new and may in fact help you design and modify what you know to be more effective because the process may in fact allow you to become more aware of things your missing.
Now, the above-mentioned exercise is one that translates into the acquisition of just about any objective.
We are talking about skill acquisition.
Lets face it; we all want to hit a home run the first time out.
Our unconscious mind tends to perpetuate the behaviors and actions that give us the most protection and/or pleasure and given no other instructions our unconscious mind will continue to do exactly what it has always done before time and time again so unless your already highly successful with women you probably don't want your U.
running its default program.
The U.
learns best in small chunks repeated over time with positive feedback reinforcing the behavior.
Remember big successes are made from a bunch of little ones! Kind of like making sure all the steps are done right in a math equation ultimately yields a correct answer, that concept works the same way with other skills as well.
So in order to minimize your crashes and burns, while building up your successes you need to make your practice more "segmented" If your doing an SS/nlp based system and you want to run patterns, its almost impossible to do if you can't even walk up to a woman and make or keep positive eye contact.
By the same token if you want to work groups in clubs, you can't really open a set if you can't approach or you don't have the requisite openers readily prepared, can you? So naturally the first step you would do before even initiating a pattern would be to actually just walk up to a someone and say "Hi" while keeping positive eye contact.
That's it! NO MORE, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! FEEL GOOD! Small chunk assimilated, really easy to do.
When your confident enough with that, add one more small chunk.
Let's say your having trouble with even doing that, if so, then its time to chunk down to an even smaller easily attainable segment intention.
Instead of doing an actual walk up, practice getting good eye contact from people you know, people you walk past etc.
Keep doing that until you can hold a steady gaze, once you can hold a steady gaze (not staring mind you that creeps people out and get you in a nasty fight if your not too careful) then add one thing to the drill...
a smile.
Seems like we are really micro managing doesn't it..
but guess what, each easily digestible micro- chunk builds your confidence, reinforces success through what works and integrates your micro-behaviors at the unconscious level where you really need them, and it boosts your self esteem, and if you want true inner game, you must, you must you must build your self esteem .
This process also automatically enhances your congruency, meaning what you say and what you do are in sync with one another.
(Women are killer at picking up the incongruities between what men say and how they act.
) while at the same time you are rehearsing success after success and getting positive feedback at the same time.
This allows you to naturally feel like your accomplishing something and that engenders the tendency to continue practicing.
Sounds like a good time to me! One of the first mistakes newbies make is that they try do too, much too fast.
Sometimes the slower approach is often the faster approach.
Now once you have the hang of chunking down and digesting each step before you go on to the next, Your learning process becomes very systematic in the way you can begin to add just one more piece at a time to your existing sequence of skills.
You will naturally find yourself working steadily through the 4 stages of learning.
Unconscious incompetence - Conscious incompetence - Conscious Competence - Unconscious Competence And the successes will in fact come much faster than you might expect.
Seductively Yours MasterClass