Internet Pornography: An Epidemic
That the Internet has pornography on it is no secret, it has been joked about since the creation of the World Wide Web. However, it is the ease of access and sheer amount that is purely revolting. If you go to, one of the most popular search engines on the net and type in porn for a search, you receive 129 million hits in general search and 1,110,000 in images if you are using moderate filtering. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, well, those sites are restricted. Guess again. Not only can any minor figure out how to get on one of the sites, I was amazed to find that you could find 84,992 hits on google video! Think about that for a second. A free online video search engine will pop out pornographic material at the press of a button or click of a mouse. Some people claim that at least some of these videos are art that has unjustifiably been labeled as pornography. Fair enough, I'm all for freedom of expression, though this kind defies the concept of art, since its people having intercourse for the whole world to watch. What's not fair, however, is that you can access it without any worries and then erase it from your computer's memory, and no one will ever know. You might think, well, this guy probably doesn't know anything about a legitimate form of entertainment. I'm a teenage boy, no less tempted by sex than anyone else, and my age group is frequently labeled as a collection of sex fiends. However, I fail to see how watching people have intercourse or do things beyond description, as well as staring at naked women is legitimate. Sex is appropriate only for married couples that love each other dearly. Now, maybe you think I've gotten off track of my opening point, which is that the Internet is so rampant with this filth that you wonder why it doesn't smell through your computer. However, all my arguments do link up. A man or woman that has, essentially, limitless access to pornography is not likely to have a great marriage or relationship. There's not much of a spark if you have to watch smut to feel happy. I'm attempting to keep this article clear of filthy terms for the sake of children who may inadvertently read this, but I am finding it quite difficult. Talk all you want about parental control, passwords, and cracking down, a determined minor will find a way. So let's start really thinking about how we are handling it. If you cover your ears and close your eyes, the problem doesn't go away. Do all you can to shut down these sites. To start, google, youtube, altavista, yahoo (166,000,000 hits), (13,390,000 hits with filtering), and all the rest of you, take off any and all mentions of porn (unless its stopping it). Those enter only if you are 18, verify your age things don't work. Parents, talk to your kids early about the dangers of the Internet, and make sure you give your kids trust, or you risk making it more tempting as it becomes a challenge to your authority. So let's do all we can to shut down this distressing epidemic and reach a new point of confidence in the Internet and it's content.
That the Internet has pornography on it is no secret, it has been joked about since the creation of the World Wide Web. However, it is the ease of access and sheer amount that is purely revolting. If you go to, one of the most popular search engines on the net and type in porn for a search, you receive 129 million hits in general search and 1,110,000 in images if you are using moderate filtering. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, well, those sites are restricted. Guess again. Not only can any minor figure out how to get on one of the sites, I was amazed to find that you could find 84,992 hits on google video! Think about that for a second. A free online video search engine will pop out pornographic material at the press of a button or click of a mouse. Some people claim that at least some of these videos are art that has unjustifiably been labeled as pornography. Fair enough, I'm all for freedom of expression, though this kind defies the concept of art, since its people having intercourse for the whole world to watch. What's not fair, however, is that you can access it without any worries and then erase it from your computer's memory, and no one will ever know. You might think, well, this guy probably doesn't know anything about a legitimate form of entertainment. I'm a teenage boy, no less tempted by sex than anyone else, and my age group is frequently labeled as a collection of sex fiends. However, I fail to see how watching people have intercourse or do things beyond description, as well as staring at naked women is legitimate. Sex is appropriate only for married couples that love each other dearly. Now, maybe you think I've gotten off track of my opening point, which is that the Internet is so rampant with this filth that you wonder why it doesn't smell through your computer. However, all my arguments do link up. A man or woman that has, essentially, limitless access to pornography is not likely to have a great marriage or relationship. There's not much of a spark if you have to watch smut to feel happy. I'm attempting to keep this article clear of filthy terms for the sake of children who may inadvertently read this, but I am finding it quite difficult. Talk all you want about parental control, passwords, and cracking down, a determined minor will find a way. So let's start really thinking about how we are handling it. If you cover your ears and close your eyes, the problem doesn't go away. Do all you can to shut down these sites. To start, google, youtube, altavista, yahoo (166,000,000 hits), (13,390,000 hits with filtering), and all the rest of you, take off any and all mentions of porn (unless its stopping it). Those enter only if you are 18, verify your age things don't work. Parents, talk to your kids early about the dangers of the Internet, and make sure you give your kids trust, or you risk making it more tempting as it becomes a challenge to your authority. So let's do all we can to shut down this distressing epidemic and reach a new point of confidence in the Internet and it's content.