Attention guys - have you ever wondered why some guys never seem to have any problems when it comes to getting hot women to chase them? They seem to know the exact knowhow on getting chicks very easily and consistently.
I am not talking here about the handsome, wealthy men that you expect to attract beautiful women by the truckloads.
In fact, some of the shortest, smelliest and fattest men with the least amount of hair left on their head seemed to have mastered the art of how to get hot chicks.
Read on to discover their secrets and the two sure ways you can get chicks to chase you instead...
Technique Number One - Storytelling Storytelling is one of the most important things you need to master if you want to know how to get women.
Everyone loves a good story - just think of how many hours women often spend on the phone chatting with their girlfriends, or poring over their Mills & Boon romance novels.
You will need to practice this skill of storytelling until you feel totally confident and be smooth.
Ensure that you stick to entertaining topics that are particularly interesting to women.
Technique Number Two - Prizability You will need to start behaving that you are the "prize" and she is the one who needs to win you over (and not the other way around).
This particular concept is opposite what is 'believed' traditionally, but the master seducers use this trick all the time.
Women have been programmed by the society to view themselves as the 'prey' and males as the 'hunters'.
Try to act nonchalant and even a little disinterested - and instead let her know she may not meet YOUR standards.
This will totally catch women off guard - and have them eating out of your hands in no absolutely time at all.
I am not talking here about the handsome, wealthy men that you expect to attract beautiful women by the truckloads.
In fact, some of the shortest, smelliest and fattest men with the least amount of hair left on their head seemed to have mastered the art of how to get hot chicks.
Read on to discover their secrets and the two sure ways you can get chicks to chase you instead...
Technique Number One - Storytelling Storytelling is one of the most important things you need to master if you want to know how to get women.
Everyone loves a good story - just think of how many hours women often spend on the phone chatting with their girlfriends, or poring over their Mills & Boon romance novels.
You will need to practice this skill of storytelling until you feel totally confident and be smooth.
Ensure that you stick to entertaining topics that are particularly interesting to women.
Technique Number Two - Prizability You will need to start behaving that you are the "prize" and she is the one who needs to win you over (and not the other way around).
This particular concept is opposite what is 'believed' traditionally, but the master seducers use this trick all the time.
Women have been programmed by the society to view themselves as the 'prey' and males as the 'hunters'.
Try to act nonchalant and even a little disinterested - and instead let her know she may not meet YOUR standards.
This will totally catch women off guard - and have them eating out of your hands in no absolutely time at all.