If you have brown spots, age spots or broken blood vessels on your face, neck or chest areas, you could consider photofacial skin rejuvenation to remove all these aging signs.
Photofacial skin rejuvenation uses intense pulsed light called IPL with minimal down time, and great results.
Photofacial is a new non-surgical anti-aging skin treatment that is performed without any topical anesthetics.
At the most, you may experience a small snap or sting when the IPL flash hits the skin, which is tolerable by most people.
Moreover, unlike laser skin resurfacing and surgical anti-aging skin care methods, it does not require any recovery time.
The procedure The bright intense pulsed light is passed through a filter where only a specific color of the flash light reaches the skin.
The photofacial light energy reaches the skin and is selectively absorbed by the damaged blood vessel or brown pigment of the age spot.
The heat of IPL light consequently destroys the pigment and blood vessel.
While lasers lead to peeling of skin and possible scars, photofacial skin rejuvenation is gentle on the skin.
While the treated blood vessel and skin may darken a bit, the skin remains intact.
At the most, the region may remain pink for a few hours.
If required, this pinkness may be covered with makeup so that you can comfortably return to work the next day.
Three treatments may be required You may have to undergo 3 photofacial skin rejuvenation treatments at a space of 4-5 weeks for the best results.
It is actually technically possible to remove brown spots and blood vessels with a single treatment.
However this energy level can be painful and may also leave to blisters and scars.
To avoid this, it is suggested to take 2-3 treatments a month apart.
Your skin however feels rejuvenated within 4-5 weeks of treatment; the brown spots become lighter and red spots or blood vessels become smaller.
In fact, people with thin skin and light pigmentation may see complete results in one treatment.
It is also possible to treat various skin conditions including hair removal and acne by placing color filters in front of the photofacial light beam.
It is the various colors that pass through the filter that treats these different conditions.
Photofacial skin rejuvenation uses intense pulsed light called IPL with minimal down time, and great results.
Photofacial is a new non-surgical anti-aging skin treatment that is performed without any topical anesthetics.
At the most, you may experience a small snap or sting when the IPL flash hits the skin, which is tolerable by most people.
Moreover, unlike laser skin resurfacing and surgical anti-aging skin care methods, it does not require any recovery time.
The procedure The bright intense pulsed light is passed through a filter where only a specific color of the flash light reaches the skin.
The photofacial light energy reaches the skin and is selectively absorbed by the damaged blood vessel or brown pigment of the age spot.
The heat of IPL light consequently destroys the pigment and blood vessel.
While lasers lead to peeling of skin and possible scars, photofacial skin rejuvenation is gentle on the skin.
While the treated blood vessel and skin may darken a bit, the skin remains intact.
At the most, the region may remain pink for a few hours.
If required, this pinkness may be covered with makeup so that you can comfortably return to work the next day.
Three treatments may be required You may have to undergo 3 photofacial skin rejuvenation treatments at a space of 4-5 weeks for the best results.
It is actually technically possible to remove brown spots and blood vessels with a single treatment.
However this energy level can be painful and may also leave to blisters and scars.
To avoid this, it is suggested to take 2-3 treatments a month apart.
Your skin however feels rejuvenated within 4-5 weeks of treatment; the brown spots become lighter and red spots or blood vessels become smaller.
In fact, people with thin skin and light pigmentation may see complete results in one treatment.
It is also possible to treat various skin conditions including hair removal and acne by placing color filters in front of the photofacial light beam.
It is the various colors that pass through the filter that treats these different conditions.