Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Treadmill Workout Tips For Weight Loss

Treadmills are great tools to maintain a consistent and challenging exercise regimen.
Treadmill workouts are safe and convenient, and you can do them any time of the day and any time of the year.
The more consistently you are able to complete your exercise program, the more successful you are going to be in your fitness and weight loss goals.
When you consistently run or walk on your treadmill, you will enjoy the benefits of good cardiovascular exercise: along with burning calories and brightening your mood, you will be making your lungs and your heart stronger, improving your muscle tone and strengthening your bones.
You may also find that your appetite is suppressed after a good workout.
Working out on your treadmill will exercise the major muscles and get your heart rate up, which will in turn boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.
So how do you maximize the amount of calories you burn on a treadmill? For weight loss, experts say that you will want to workout for between 30 minutes to an hour each day.
You'll want to check with your doctor before you start this exercise program to find out what you heart rate you should be aiming for.
You want to make sure you are working out at the intensity level that's right (and safe) for you.
Many of the treadmills on the market today have heart rate monitors built right in.
If you aren't able to workout (either walking or running) for so long, start small and work your way up.
It's also a good idea to engage in interval training, in which you start out at a slower pace and no incline and then increase your speed and incline as you go, cycling through several intervals through the course of your workout.
This is a great way to increase your fitness level and endurance in a relatively quick time frame.
To lose weight, you'll also need to pay special attention to your diet.
Don't allow yourself to get so hungry after your workout that you replace all the calories you burned with post-workout snacks or sports drinks.
You'll also need to stay consistent with your workout.
It's actually easier to schedule your workout every single day.
Write it in each day on your calendar until it becomes as much a part of your routine as brushing your teeth.
On that day or two each week when you are not working out, give yourself a special (non-edible) treat: a trip to the bookstore or a leisurely walk in the neighborhood with your kids.
Treadmills are also great for those of us who sometimes feel we simply don't have the time to work out.
You can even watch your favorite TV shows (recorded from earlier in the week, perhaps) while you work out.
Some of the new higher-end treadmills on the market today have televisions built right in.
Just make sure that you are able to stay focused on a getting in a good workout, too.
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