- 1). Visit the Media Convert website (see "Resources" section for link) to convert your MPG files online. The Media Convert website offers free online file conversion from MPG to a variety of other file types.
- 2). Download the free AVS Video Converter (see "Resources" section) if you have a computer running Windows. The AVS Video Converter is a free video conversion program that can convert MPG files to other popular file formats, including WMV and AVI. You can also do a small amount of editing with AVS Video Converter and tweak the quality output settings for the new file.
- 3). Install FLV Crunch from CNET (see "Resources" section for link) if you have a computer running the Mac operating system. FLV Crunch can convert MPG files into the more popular file formats, such as WMV and MP4. The free MPG converter program is a straight converter program, with no additional editing features.