The writer of the letter to the Hebrews is underlining that we have a God who speaks.
He spoke to these men and women then, and He speaks to others, and these are God's famous last words.
God has spoken through Creation and through the various prophets he sent, and now Almighty God speaks finally through Jesus Christ His Son.
Listen to him.
If you are a wise reader you will certainly listen to him! Let me encourage you to take time and make time to read through these opening Chapters of this amazing letter to the Hebrew Christians, written some thirty years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
If people were punished for neglecting the message of Moses, how much more might they be punished for neglecting the message which God has given us through Jesus Christ? There are those who stress the mercy and compassion and love and grace of God and omit the wrath and judgment of Almighty God.
We require every aspect of His holy character.
Disobedience in a sense is mishearing.
You can tell people to do something and they just don't hear you and so they disobey you.
Hearing the voice of God implies obedience and involves obedience and those people knew that.
How we are blessed can depend upon how well we hear.
What is at stake here? What is the bottom line? Salvation is the bottom line and that is exceedingly serious.
We know all this is not about 'going to church', or being respected by society and in society, singing a few hymns or songs now and again.
It is, are we saved or not saved? Neglect and unbelief and apostasy are raised in these early Chapters.
Attention is drawn to those who go on wilfully continuing to sin and coming short of the grace of God, and one set of bad behaviour leads to the another.
Only Jesus Christ can save and rescue and forgive and wash us, and if people try to neglect Jesus, then there is no escape.
It is like the ark.
Only those in the ark escaped the judgment that came.
Similarly, only those in Christ Jesus and in the Church of Jesus Christ, and members of the body of Christ, where Jesus is the head, are saved and safe.
This salvation was first announced by the Lord Jesus and confirmed to us by those who heard him.
This letter reveals such challenging truths.
God also witnessed to this salvation in Jesus by signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
This message and this whole word is on a high level.
It is the highest there is in the world and it is vitally important and it cannot be improved upon.
It is unique and it has to be taken to a needy needy world.
Sandy Shaw
He spoke to these men and women then, and He speaks to others, and these are God's famous last words.
God has spoken through Creation and through the various prophets he sent, and now Almighty God speaks finally through Jesus Christ His Son.
Listen to him.
If you are a wise reader you will certainly listen to him! Let me encourage you to take time and make time to read through these opening Chapters of this amazing letter to the Hebrew Christians, written some thirty years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
If people were punished for neglecting the message of Moses, how much more might they be punished for neglecting the message which God has given us through Jesus Christ? There are those who stress the mercy and compassion and love and grace of God and omit the wrath and judgment of Almighty God.
We require every aspect of His holy character.
Disobedience in a sense is mishearing.
You can tell people to do something and they just don't hear you and so they disobey you.
Hearing the voice of God implies obedience and involves obedience and those people knew that.
How we are blessed can depend upon how well we hear.
What is at stake here? What is the bottom line? Salvation is the bottom line and that is exceedingly serious.
We know all this is not about 'going to church', or being respected by society and in society, singing a few hymns or songs now and again.
It is, are we saved or not saved? Neglect and unbelief and apostasy are raised in these early Chapters.
Attention is drawn to those who go on wilfully continuing to sin and coming short of the grace of God, and one set of bad behaviour leads to the another.
Only Jesus Christ can save and rescue and forgive and wash us, and if people try to neglect Jesus, then there is no escape.
It is like the ark.
Only those in the ark escaped the judgment that came.
Similarly, only those in Christ Jesus and in the Church of Jesus Christ, and members of the body of Christ, where Jesus is the head, are saved and safe.
This salvation was first announced by the Lord Jesus and confirmed to us by those who heard him.
This letter reveals such challenging truths.
God also witnessed to this salvation in Jesus by signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
This message and this whole word is on a high level.
It is the highest there is in the world and it is vitally important and it cannot be improved upon.
It is unique and it has to be taken to a needy needy world.
Sandy Shaw