Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

Only One Is a Word: A Quiz on 25 Commonly Misspelled Words

Our first Quiz on 25 Commonly Misspelled Words was based in part on the entries in The 200 Most Commonly Misspelled Words in English. In this follow-up quiz, you may find that some of the words are a little less common and a bit more challenging.

In each of the following pairs, only one is a word; the other is a common misspelling of that word. Guided by the brief definition, see if you can identify the correctly spelled word in each set.

Correct answers appear on page two.
  1. (a) amature (b) amateur
    A person who engages in a pursuit as a pastime rather than as a profession.
  2. (a) apparant (b) apparent
    Clear, actual, or visible.
  3. (a) atheist (b) athiest
    One who denies the existence of a deity.
  4. (a) bouyant (b) buoyant
    Capable of floating.
  5. (a) cemetery (b) cematary
  6. (a) concensus (b) consensus
    General agreement.
  7. (a) dialate (b) dilate
    To enlarge or expand.
  8. (a) fiery (b) firey
    Burning, glowing, volatile.
  9. (a) foresee (b) forsee
    To know beforehand.
  10. (a) guarentee (b) guarantee
    An assurance for the fulfillment of a condition.
  11. (a) guidance (b) guidence
    The act of leading or directing.
  12. (a) lambaste (b) lamblast
    To assault violently or attack verbally.
  13. (a) libary (b) library
    A place in which books and other materials are kept for use.
  14. (a) miniature (b) minature
    Something small or on a reduced scale.
  15. (a) mischievious (b) mischievous
    Naughty, troublesome, irritating.
  16. (a) neice (b) niece
    Daughter of one's brother or sister.
  17. (a) playwright (b) playwrite
    A person who writes plays.

  1. (a) portray (b) protray
    To make a picture or describe in words.
  2. (a) relevant (b) revelant
    Having some bearing on the matter at hand.
  3. (a) roomate (b) roommate
    One of two or more persons sharing a living quarters.
  4. (a) separate (b) seperate
    To set or keep apart.
  5. (a) sheriff (b) sherrif
    An administrative official or an officer of the law.
  6. (a) supremacist (b) supremist
    One who believes that a particular group is superior.
  7. (a) valuble (b) valuable
    Having monetary worth or desirable qualities.
  8. (a) visable (b) visible
    Capable of being seen.

The correct answers are on page two.
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