Health & Medical Food & Drink

Paleo Diet Cake Recipes - How to Bake a Lip-Smacking Paleolithic Pecan Nut Cake

Are you looking for some delectable paleo diet cake recipes? Ah, did I hear you say "yes"? Okay cool, because I want to share with you my methods of baking a Paleolithic style pecan nut cake.

It's quite easy to do so - just follow the step-by-step instructions. I'm sure it'll turn out alright.

You know, recently I tried my hands on a few paleo diet cake recipes which I learned from a digital cookbook set and they all turned out okay.

One of the first paleo cakes I baked had a really burnt look, but surprisingly it tasted awesome! Heck even my fiancé' liked it a lot and she's doesn't even follow the caveman diet. Cool huh?

By the way, if you're interested in downloading that paleo cookbook set just follow the link at the bottom.

You'll find lots of tasty paleo recipes in those cookbooks - seafood, beef, chicken, cookies, noodles etc. I don't recall the exact number of recipes, but they do have several paleo diet cake recipes.

Okay I should stop blabbing now. After all, you want to know how to make that paleo pecan nut cake right? So, let's begin!

You'll need these ingredients: 600 grams of pecan nut flour, 30 grams of macadamia nuts, 30 grams of shelled walnuts, 60 grams of raisins, a bit of rosemary and finally, 3 tbs of olive oil


Step 1

Pour pecan nut flour into a mixing bowl and stir it around.Next add about 800 ml of water but don't pour the whole jug into the bowl. Instead pour in a gradual manner and repeatedly stir the flour to ensure that lumps do not form.

The mixture must not become too drippy or thick so stir until it is absolutely smooth.

Step 2

Raisins should be soaked thoroughly and the excess water squeezed out completely. Next, drop macadamia nuts, walnuts, raisins and 2 tbs olive oil into the mixture.

Step 3

Grease a shallow cake pan (cake height shouldn't be more than 1 cm) and pour the entire mixture into it. Use the remaining olive oil (1tbs) to drizzle over the mixture and add some rosemary on top of it. Heat oven to 180°C. Place the cake pan in the oven and bake for approximately 30 minutes.


Wait 20 minutes or so for the cake to cool down. Now grab a fork and start gobbling on what I feel is one the best paleo diet cake recipes around!

As mentioned earlier, you can get tons more paloelithic style recipes...Stuff like cherry balls, choco nut bar, coconut choco cake, omelets, beef, chicken and even more
">paleo diet cake recipes [<br] from a set of downloadable paleo cookbooks found at the link below:
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