- 1). Launch Adobe Flash Professional. Go to the "File" tab on the program menu and click "Open." Select the FLA file and click the "Open" button to load it into the program.
- 2). Resize the document to the desired dimensions of the GIF animation. Select the "Properties" tab at the bottom of the screen and click the "Size" button. A programming screen will appear.
- 3). Go to the "Dimensions" section and enter new width and height values. Click "OK." If necessary, reformat the media in the FLA file to comply with the new dimensions.
- 4). Go to File and select "Publish Settings." A programming screen will appear.
- 5). Leave "Flash (.swf)" selected under the "Formats" tab. Un-check the "HTML (.html)" box and check the "GIF Image (.gif)" box. Select the "GIF" tab. Go to the "Playback" section and select "Animated."
- 6). Click the "Publish" button in the "Publish Settings" window. When the status bar window closes, the media will be exported to the saving location for Adobe Flash files.
- 7). Retrieve the exported GIF animation from the saving location. Open the file in a Web browser to view the media.