Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Find Your Calorie Requirement

Everyone knows that one has to cut down on calories to lose weight, but not many people know the exact or estimated number of calories required by the body everyday.
Do you know that planning your weight loss is an easier task provided you know your daily calorie requirements? Many diet experts suggest following a diet plan with only 1200 calories per day.
However, it will be far lower than what your body may require everyday for healthy functioning and well-being.
These dieters believe that lowering calorie intake to 1200 calories per day can help a person lose weight fast.
Our body adjusts to the calorie intake within few days.
Consider this.
By coming down to 1200 calories everyday, you succeeded in losing 5 pounds in a week or two.
However, it may happen that you might not be able to reduce beyond 5 pounds in next 3 weeks.
Therefore, you must use an established diet formula to find out your exact calorie requirements.
Remember, you cannot estimate the accurate figure as you may not consume the same amount of energy everyday, but you get a rough idea.
Therefore, a rough guide will help you to get started and plan your workout.
It is more important to exercise regularly and ensure that you burn excess fat.
You should opt for a weight loss program where you are required to reduce your calorie intake every week.
It is a good idea to reduce your calorie consumption to around 250 calories than what your body requires.
Next, you should not change the type of food that you eat, rather concentrate on lowering the portion size of all your meals.
You can even plan to replace certain high-calorie foods in your diet with low-calorie options until your weight starts coming down.
Trust me, it is easier to lose body fat without reducing the quantity of food.
Lastly, you should at least consume 1500 calories everyday, and never less than this.
If you consume less number of calories, your chances of missing out essential nutrients are high.
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