- Proponents of electric magnet therapy hold that magnetic energy can correct various toxins within the body caused by imbalances in spiritual, physical and emotional health. Practitioners argue that disease results from dead cells, which electric waves can help rejuvenate, and that this system can cure all diseases. They believe that since this is a kind of medication for the auto-immune system, even the most complicated diseases can be helped by charging the cells that lack energy to perform. Campbell lists numerous diseases that magnet therapy may possibly cure, including prostate cancer, depression and anxiety, chronic constipation, diabetes, chronic fatigue, lung cancer, breast cancer, tinnitus, arthritis, chronic lower back and hip pain, fibromyalgia, speech impediments and snoring.
- Electromagnetic therapy uses a number of devices and implements that its practitioners claim help the body use energy better. Therion Research states that a strong magnet is used to cure a deep pain. An inflammation caused by injury or any disease in the bones can be rooted deep inside the body. For this, a more powerful magnet has to be used. Electromagnetic healing therapists place the magnet of the required frequency on the area of the problem and let the magnet absorb the inflammation. Orthopedic pillows, pads, mattresses, jewelry and other devices can all be used as electromagnetic devices. The underlying logic is to use appropriate devices based on the body area, duration and depth of pain, magnet size and polarity.
- Global Oneness says that the scientific premise behind the use of electromagnetic healing has to undergo more testing before it is proven. Dr. Leonard Finegold's article, published on PubMed Central, supports the view that scientific evidence is clearly lacking in this area of healing. Finegold's study is just one of many that suggest that claims about the healing power of magnets are either false or greatly exaggerated.
Scientific Proof