- It's funny that a problem in the stomach can be appeased by eating. And it isn't so much what you eat as just eating at all. Food is one of the common alleviators of stomach pain and burning. But often the stomach starts to hurt or burn again shortly after the pain goes away.
- If you have a problem with a gastric ulcer, whether it's acute (meaning it happened just one time) or chronic (meaning it happens over and over again), how you eat is just as important as what you eat. According to University of Maryland Medical Center, you should eat several small meals throughout the day. Make sure that if you follow this plan that you do so with consistency, including eating those meals at predetermined times day after day.
- Gastric ulcers aren't caused by what you eat, so there really is very little as far as dietary restriction. Obviously, the best rule is to eat anything that doesn't cause your ulcer to act up. Protein is good for your overall health and great for treatment of a gastric ulcer. You should try to include a least one source of protein in each of your frequent meals. Milk, meats, eggs and cheese are excellent sources of protein that you can mix and match with every meal.
- No two gastric ulcers are the same. Some food may trigger pain or burning for one person and not have an effect for someone else, even though they both have gastric ulcers. But some foods and substances are commonly frowned upon in cases of stomach ulcers. Caffeine is universally accepted as unhealthy for the stomach, as are alcohol and tobacco. Other common substances that have been known to affect the stomach are anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.
How to Eat
What to Eat
What Not to Eat