- Abdominal swelling has many causes, most of which are non life-threatening. Liver disease, on the other hand, is very dangerous and because of fluids, bile and blood backing up in the liver and related ducts, it can cause severe and uncomfortable abdominal bloating. Much of the time, however, the real problem is simply dehydration, as many people do not drink enough water throughout the day. If you don't drink an adequate amount each day, your body will store water and quite often the abdomen is where it will be stored--because this is where most of the important internal organs are located. Your organs need an adequate water supply to function properly.
- Your diet is important in reducing the amount of bloating. Some foods are difficult to digest, most likely due to artificial sweeteners and chemical preservatives in the food. A good diet change you can make is to eat only foods that are organic, without additives and preservatives. Eating too much in one sitting can be a problem, because it forces the stomach to expand temporarily to accommodate more food than it is used to. Gas causes uncomfortable bloating and it can be exacerbated by eating too much, or chewing gum. Gum chewers swallow a lot of air as they chew; cutting out the chewing every so often is a good way to relieve the problem. Dairy products present a problem for those who are lactose intolerant. Abdominal swelling is a primary symptom of lactose intolerance.
- Fatty foods are slow to digest and can create problems in the digestive tract, causing the whole system to back up and create gas and bloating. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet is very helpful in reducing bloat. Constipation leads to abdominal swelling due to the backup of feces in the bowel. This problem is often caused by a shortage of water in the system. Drinking more water helps get things moving again, relieving the pressure. Tumors, such as those involved in ovarian cancer, also can cause abdominal swelling. See your doctor to make sure the problem is not a serious one.
Non Life-Threatening Causes
Proper Diet
Fatty Foods