Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

3 Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

Nobody likes eating a very good meal and then regretting it afterward because they had an incidence of heartburn.
Not only does it hurt, but you can eventually cause your esophagus damage that will be hard to repair.
So what can you do to help get rid of this problem? Here are three natural remedies for acid reflux anyone can use to help them get over these painful symptoms.
This is not a very common fruit to eat in the United States, but other cultures are very well aware of papaya's value.
Papaya is an excellent remedy for acid reflux disease.
It contains an enzyme specifically designed for helping you digest your food.
This enzyme is called papain.
I use it in pill form, but you certainly can get a lot out of eating the actual fruit.
Papaya also has more than 100% of the daily allowance for vitamin C which is a very important vitamin when it comes to nutrition and absorption.
Ginger has long been used when people are suffering from the flu.
That is because this spice is very good at helping to ease nausea and an upset stomach.
It is those same characteristics that help with the flu that also help with your digestive system.
By helping to process your food more efficiently, you can decrease the incidences of and severity of heartburn.
There are many recipes online that include ginger in them.
Cherries are excellent natural remedies for many differing diseases.
Acid reflux is one of them.
These powerful little fruits consist of antioxidants which help heal some of the skin damage caused by chronic heartburn.
They also contain potassium and vitamin C.
They are essential in helping with digestion which is one of the underlying causes of your GERD.
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