When coming out of a break-up, most of us feel confused, lonely, and discouraged. So much so that we get this need to get with someone ASAP. Well, I want you to think long and hard before doing this, ladies, because jumping blindly into a relationship without fully recovering from the previous one, is largely a bad move.
I know that you probably have a lot of negative feelings right now, but going into a relationship just after one ended is not going to be fair, both to you and to your future rebound sugardaddie. Going into a rebound relationship stops you from fully thinking about things and where you stand with your feelings for your ex and for your future BF.
Anyway, both men and women, can think that millionaire dating rebounds may be exciting and dangerous. Well, that's true. However, it is also true that most rebound relationships do indeed fail in the end, thus adding more hurt and pain to both parties. If you are thinking of entering into a rebound relationship or are already in one, I want you to step back and think, and weigh the pro's and con's for a while before you end up hurting yourself and another person:
Now, there are some pro's to rebound dating too. Surprised. There are since there's absolutely nothing in this world that is absolutely evil or absolutely good. So here some of pro's
1. It takes your mind off your ex. Enough said. Rebound millionaire dating relationships' first advantage is that it takes your mind off the pain of your previous relationship because you now have someone new.
2. It keeps the loneliness at bay. Being with someone new brings a giddy kind of excitement, especially with the "just into a new relationship" feel in the air.
3. It helps your self-worth and self-confidence. Of course, it would. You now have someone who likes you, and this is a big plus in the self-confidence and self-esteem departments because everyone loves it when they are loved.
And of course, we have the con's to have a rebound relationship with your sugardaddie:
1. Emotionally, you may not be ready yet. Especially if you just came from a serious relationship, you may not be emotionally ready yet to take on another relationship. This would be unfair to your sugar daddie that you hooked up with and also unhealthy for you. Give yourself time to grieve your old relationship, before going on to another one! You may also need to evaluate where the previous relationship went south so that you may resolve it during your new relationship.
2. You may find that you have nothing common with your sugar daddie beyond the initial attraction. And this is not good at all. Attraction is not enough to sustain a relationship because you do need to find a common point between you and your guy.
3. Self-confidence and self-worth do not come from an outside source. Note that the word "self" are on those words. It needs to come from yourself, meaning that you need to feel it from yourself, because no one can give you that.
I know that you probably have a lot of negative feelings right now, but going into a relationship just after one ended is not going to be fair, both to you and to your future rebound sugardaddie. Going into a rebound relationship stops you from fully thinking about things and where you stand with your feelings for your ex and for your future BF.
Anyway, both men and women, can think that millionaire dating rebounds may be exciting and dangerous. Well, that's true. However, it is also true that most rebound relationships do indeed fail in the end, thus adding more hurt and pain to both parties. If you are thinking of entering into a rebound relationship or are already in one, I want you to step back and think, and weigh the pro's and con's for a while before you end up hurting yourself and another person:
Now, there are some pro's to rebound dating too. Surprised. There are since there's absolutely nothing in this world that is absolutely evil or absolutely good. So here some of pro's
1. It takes your mind off your ex. Enough said. Rebound millionaire dating relationships' first advantage is that it takes your mind off the pain of your previous relationship because you now have someone new.
2. It keeps the loneliness at bay. Being with someone new brings a giddy kind of excitement, especially with the "just into a new relationship" feel in the air.
3. It helps your self-worth and self-confidence. Of course, it would. You now have someone who likes you, and this is a big plus in the self-confidence and self-esteem departments because everyone loves it when they are loved.
And of course, we have the con's to have a rebound relationship with your sugardaddie:
1. Emotionally, you may not be ready yet. Especially if you just came from a serious relationship, you may not be emotionally ready yet to take on another relationship. This would be unfair to your sugar daddie that you hooked up with and also unhealthy for you. Give yourself time to grieve your old relationship, before going on to another one! You may also need to evaluate where the previous relationship went south so that you may resolve it during your new relationship.
2. You may find that you have nothing common with your sugar daddie beyond the initial attraction. And this is not good at all. Attraction is not enough to sustain a relationship because you do need to find a common point between you and your guy.
3. Self-confidence and self-worth do not come from an outside source. Note that the word "self" are on those words. It needs to come from yourself, meaning that you need to feel it from yourself, because no one can give you that.