Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Get Skinny In No Time

In our society today, the skinny ones are the beautiful ones.
This is the truth we have to accept.
Young girls everywhere consider skinny models as their idols and they want to imitate everything about them including their super skinny figure.
There are hundreds of fad diets out there promising that you will lose 10-20 pounds per week and yes, it is true but the program they will be providing you will not supplement you the necessary nutrients you need in order for your body to work.
Read on below for a healthier diet plan that will surely make you slimmer and healthier at the same time.
Eating a healthy diet is one way to go about this.
If you think that not eating will make you thinner, then you're wrong.
If the body can't breakdown any food to be used as energy it will conserve the remaining fat inside the body making it more difficult to burn.
5-6 small, frequent meals are suggested rather than eating 3 large meals a day.
Metabolism plays a vital role in losing weight and eating small meals every 2-3 hours keeps your metabolism going.
You need to detoxify your body once in a while.
Improper digestion caused by stress can really increase levels of fat in the body.
When this happens, toxins accumulate in the body as well.
You don't have to do super strict when it comes to detoxifying but it is suggested that you do this every three months.
Mixing ginger juice, lemon juice and grapefruit juice is one recipe that'll help cleanse your liver.
Consuming this 3 times a day would surely clean your body in no time.
Another effective method to losing weight is exercise.
It will be very hard for you to lose weight if you rely on diet alone.
Sweating is the key to losing weight.
Once you get that heart rate up, then you are on your way to being skinny.
If the gym is too boring for you try doing sports that you love.
You can also enroll at aerobic exercise like Yoga and Pilates.
These are just three important ways on how to become skinny in no time.
This is something that won't happen overnight so you have to have discipline and you should stick through your program until the end.
Remember though that being too skinny is also not good.
You should consult your doctor regarding the ideal weight for you.
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