How To End Premature Ejaculation Naturally?
The question everyone is searching for, how to end premature ejaculation. This is a bigger problem than most people know of. Many men are affected by it, and some turn to less acceptable means to find a solution.
If you have problems with premature ejaculation and you would like to find a safe, natural method to beat it then you have come to the right place!
I have been there before, so scared to even go out and find a girl that I just stayed at home and played video games. Friends o f mine would be going out having a great time, meeting new people while I was stuck at home feeling sorry for myself. Well, not anymore; just like I did you need to get over the fear of everything.
It really is mostly in your mind. It happens to you once or twice, and you think it's no big deal. It happens again, and you start to worry a little bit. Eventually everything builds up, and you become so frightened to even meet someone new you end up like me, staying at home.
5 Steps to help out:
• Get rid of the anger and or fear about it, this will only hinder you further down the road.
• Exercise your PC muscle. To find the muscle: Next time you urinate, stop midway and you will feel a muscle working, that's your PC muscle. Tighten and release in order to strengthen it.
• Get it out of your mind that you have to live with this the rest of your life, you don't!
• If you have a partner start off alone, then gradually build up to them joining in. Slow and steady wins the battle every time.
• Do not procrastinate, that is the reason why most people never see any results. Do not be like the rest of the heard, you can end premature ejaculation.
The question everyone is searching for, how to end premature ejaculation. This is a bigger problem than most people know of. Many men are affected by it, and some turn to less acceptable means to find a solution.
If you have problems with premature ejaculation and you would like to find a safe, natural method to beat it then you have come to the right place!
I have been there before, so scared to even go out and find a girl that I just stayed at home and played video games. Friends o f mine would be going out having a great time, meeting new people while I was stuck at home feeling sorry for myself. Well, not anymore; just like I did you need to get over the fear of everything.
It really is mostly in your mind. It happens to you once or twice, and you think it's no big deal. It happens again, and you start to worry a little bit. Eventually everything builds up, and you become so frightened to even meet someone new you end up like me, staying at home.
5 Steps to help out:
• Get rid of the anger and or fear about it, this will only hinder you further down the road.
• Exercise your PC muscle. To find the muscle: Next time you urinate, stop midway and you will feel a muscle working, that's your PC muscle. Tighten and release in order to strengthen it.
• Get it out of your mind that you have to live with this the rest of your life, you don't!
• If you have a partner start off alone, then gradually build up to them joining in. Slow and steady wins the battle every time.
• Do not procrastinate, that is the reason why most people never see any results. Do not be like the rest of the heard, you can end premature ejaculation.