- 1). Place the motorcycle on its center stand. If it does not have one, position it in a way that the handlebars are level so that the brake fluid in the reservoirs is level as well.
- 2). Locate the brake fluid reservoirs. Generally there is one for the front brake line and one for the rear. The front one is usually on the right side of the handlebars, while the rear one is behind the foot peg on the right side, close to the rear tire. Check your motorcycle manual if you need assistance.
- 3). Cover the exposed parts of your bike with rags. Cover any parts of the bike that risk coming in contact with the brake fluid, such as the fenders and gauges.
- 4). Remove the reservoir cap so you can see the old brake fluid. Remove the rubber cover on the bleeder nipple located on the brake caliper.
- 5). Place one end of the tube over the bleeder nipple and the other end into your waste container. For a waste container you can use a bucket or an old soda bottle; anything that will catch the brake fluid will work fine.
- 6). Open the bleeder nipple using the wrench. After you open the nipple, squeeze the brake lever all the way in. Close the bleeder nipple fully before releasing the brake lever.
- 7). Repeat step 6 until you have emptied most of the brake fluid in the reservoir, then add new brake fluid. Repeat step 6 again until the fluid runs clear. Do not let the reservoir dry out completely because you will need to restart the whole process since air will have been introduced into the brake system.
- 8). Tighten the bleeder nipple and remove the tubing. Replace the rubber cover on the bleeder nipple.
- 9). Fill the brake reservoir to the the max line with the new brake fluid. Replace the reservoir cover. Pump the brake until the lever is firm.