- 1). First and foremost, if you want the guy to chase after you, you have to make him notice you! Dress in a style that compliments your body type, and wear makeup that extenuates you facial features. DON'T walk around in mini-skirts and wear lots of makeup. While most guys don't mind LOOKING at girls like this, not many are interested in a serious relationship with these type girls.
- 2). Make yourself look interesting around him. If you are in the same classes, raise your hand in class. Show him you are a smart girl. Most guys nowadays, are impressed with a girl with intelligence. Mention that you went skiing, dancing, snowboarding (anything adventurous). If he likes a certain team, savvy up on the sport. Guys dig it when a girl can talk baseball/football/hockey with them. Plus it shows him that you aren't just a pretty face.
- 3). When he is around flirt very subtly with him...but not in an obvious way. You want him chasing you, not the other way around remember? Once he starts showing interest you can slowly start withdrawing...but not so much that he thinks that you don't like him.
- 4). If he doesn't ask for your number, give it to him in a casual but discreet way. Find a reason to give him your number (for school, work, etc). Ball is HIS court. Do NOT call him first. If he doesn't pick up, it can leave you feeling awful. To avoid this feeling, giving him your number is a a less direct approach then you calling him up. Once he starts calling/texting don't overdo calling him back. Once in a while is fine, but you want to leave him guessing what you are doing.
- 5). Now rest assured, he might have other girls serving themselves on a silver platter to him....but you are definitely not like these other girls. If he starts treating you as like just another one of these girls then I suggest you ditch him, he's not worth your time. In no way settle with him being physical with you and with other girls at the same time. You are worth a lot more than he sees you for. However, if he treats you with respect, and makes it exclusive between the two of you.... congratulations!!!