Health & Medical Lose Weight

My Stomach Is So Fat! What Do I Do To Get Rid Of This Huge Stomach?

So you've got a huge fat stomach? At least that's what you see when you look in the mirror every evening.
But look again.
Is it really fat or is your stomach just bloated? Could you be dieting for all the wrong reasons? Because if your fat stomach is due to bloating instead of excess weight it could be more to do with WHAT you are eating rather than the quantity.
And if so, no amount of exercise will make a difference and give you that sleek flat stomach that you crave.
We all know that feeling when we've over indulged at the dinner table.
Your clothes pull tight and your stomach feels so fat it's fit to burst.
Usually it's an occasional irritation and by the next day everything is back to normal.
For some people however, bloating is far more than a minor inconvenience.
It can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing.
More often than not it will be accompanied by painful stomach cramps and excess wind/gas.
Not very pleasant at the best of times.
For people suffering from these symptoms, weight gain has little to do with not having a flat stomach and although most sufferers complain of feeling fat and looking pregnant, dieting will have little or no effect.
So what is the answer? Well, of course, in some cases bloating can be a symptom of certain medical conditions so a doctor's opinion should always be sought in the first instance.
However once any serious underlying cause for your fat stomach is ruled out you should consider going 'back to basics' so to speak and turn your attention to the food you are eating.
Many people have discovered that intolerance to certain foods and ingredients can cause a variety of symptoms.
Much has already been written about the effects of additives (e-numbers etc) on children's behaviour for example.
The increase in nut allergy cases has also received a great deal of press coverage in recent times.
However symptoms such as bloating are usually treated with less importance and frequently regarded as little more than a nuisance by medical professionals.
Not much help if you happen to be a sufferer.
So what should you do? Quite simply you need to follow a strict elimination diet to find out if food intolerance is causing your fat stomach and then identify the culprit.
So how do you go about doing this? Try these three steps:
  • Select a few basic bland foods, preferably protein based for example - chicken and fish, plus plain pasta without additional sauces and simple cereals such as cornflakes.
  • Eat only these foods for at least 3 days and keep a food diary, noting any reaction to anything you consume.
  • When your bloating has subsided only then should you begin reintroducing regular foods back into the diet one at a time.
By carefully following an elimination diet in this way you will learn to recognise the foods that cause you the most trouble and aggravate your bloating.
For more detailed information and a step by step easy to follow guide try The Flat Stomach Diet..
This is a tried and tested plan that has been proven to reduce abdominal bloating by literally removing ONE SINGLE INGREDIENT from the diet.
You can expect to see results in as little as 3-5 days and once you have learned how to control your intake of this ingredient you will be able to control your bloating PERMANENTLY and completely naturally without the use of drugs or any other type of medication.
Say goodbye to that fat stomach and hello to a flat stomach now! If you would like to reprint this article you may do so provided the text remains unchanged and you include the "Author Bio" statement below:
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