Health & Medical Body building

Bulking and Cutting - Different Phases For Different Goals

It is very common for bodybuilders go through different phases during the year.
As the seasons change so do their goals.
Let's talk about one way they do this and how you can use this in your own weight training and nutrition plan.
Bulking Phase The purpose of a bulking phase is to put on extra mass.
Naturally this means that you will put on some fat as well as muscle, but your goal should be to put on as much muscle as possible while gaining the least amount of body fat.
To do this you will have to increase the amount of calories you eat each day.
This doesn't mean that you just eat all of the junk food you want.
You still need to eat the right balance of nutrients - just more of them.
If all you eat is a bunch of junk food carbs, you're just going to get fat.
This is not the kind of weight you want to add to your body! Some of the muscle building supplements you can use to help you during a bulking phase would include whey protein, weight gainers for extra calories, creatine and NO2 to power through tough workouts, and glutamine for recovery.
Cutting Phase A cutting phase is a time to work hard and eat less calories in order to reduce the get lean.
Generally you will increase your cardio to burn extra calories and cut back on the amount of carbs you're eating.
By cutting back on carbs and increasing your protein intake you can help your body burn more fat.
If you do things right you will retain most of your lean mass while you cut.
Some muscle building supplements that can help with this phase include whey protein, fat burners, creatine and NO2 to once again help you push through your workouts, and glutamine to help you recover and boost your immune system while you're cutting calories.
The time of year that people will go through these phases varies a little bit, but most people will use the cold winter months for bulking and the warm spring and summer months for cutting.
Since the summer is when you're going to show off your hard work it only makes sense for it to be the time of year that you focus on cutting and looking good.
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