Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How Does Article Marketing Benefit the Web Marketer?

This is my primary method of generating fresh traffic to my web site, so obviously I am going to be quite jaded when it comes to this topic.
I am very highly appreciative of article marketing in my life, as it generates the bulk of my fresh traffic.
Of course, list building generates the rest.
So what is article marketing? Article marketing is the process of writing and submitting articles that are written about your web sites' niche topics, to the various online article directories, and including within them a link back to your web site.
In my case, I make the link back to my web site actually link back to a squeeze page on my web site, so that if someone wants to get into my web site, they will give me their name and email address.
I call this my list building model of web development.
But I digress.
Back to article marketing.
So how does article marketing create a benefit for me, the web marketer? The first thing article marketing does for me is it drives fresh traffic to my web site.
This of course is critical to the success of any web business.
The second thing that article marketing does for me is that it creates backlinks to my web site, which influences the search engines to eventually give me higher rankings in the search engine search results.
And the third thing, and one of the most important thing, is that it increases my popularity online.
It increases my credibility online.
Think about this.
Which new visitor is going to be more responsive on my email list?The person who has read 25 of my articles and liked what I have to say, or the person who has never heard of me and came to me via PPC?You should know the answer to this.
The person who has read my articles is going to be much more likely to buy from me - and actually, my statistics show that to be true.
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