Health & Medical Anti Aging

Skin Aging Myths Busted

Let's face it.
We're a beauty-obsessed culture and we should blame it on the media.
It's really hard not to be affected by all these perfect models and celebrities with perfect bodies and perfect skin.
We all secretly desire to be like them, I'm sure you do as well.
We all want to achieve that ageless youthful beauty which is why we follow all sorts of tips that come our way in the hopes of looking like them.
As crazy as it may sound, there are a lot of women who would try every kind of anti aging skin care gimmick out there just to look pretty and youthful.
So to save you from trying all these gimmicks, let me share to you some of the most common skin aging myths.
Here are some of them.
Myth 1.
Drink lots of water and you'll never have wrinkles.
Water will not prevent the formation of wrinkles.
It's not an elixir of youth of some sort.
It only helps keep the skin hydrated and healthy.
Still, the best way to delay the formation of wrinkles is by using sunscreen at all times.
Myth 2.
Moisturizers can help erase wrinkles.
Just like water, moisturizers can only help hydrate the skin.
They can only help retain the oil and water that are already in your skin.
Myth 3.
You don't need to apply sunscreen when it's raining or cloudy.
Sunscreen isn't only for sunny days.
You need sunscreen all day, every day no matter what the weather is.
On a cloudy day, UVA rays can still penetrate right through the clouds and cause premature skin aging.
Myth 4.
You don't need to apply sunscreen when you're indoors.
The sun's UVA rays can still penetrate glass windows so even if you're just staying indoors, it's very important to stay protected by wearing sunscreen.
Myth 5.
Anti aging products that are 100% natural has no side effects.
You can still have side effects to natural ingredients.
Some people are allergic to vitamin E or aloe so you can't really generalize that.
Myth 6.
If something works well for your friend, it will work wonders for you as well.
A anti aging product or treatment that works for your friend, might not necessarily work for you.
Everyone is different and everyone has a different skin type.
We are not created equal so find what works well for you.
Choosing the right products and treatments is really a trial and error process.
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