Nothing in your world is real.
This is an illusion created so that you can, in the words of Neale Donald Walsch, "experience who you really are.
" When we sleep, we spend time in the Collective Unconscious.
When we are awake, we are still connected to every person we ever knew.
This is a lot of connection, even before you remember that we are connected to Source/Divinity/Creator.
No wonder the "social networks" are doing so well.
There has always been a desire among humans to connect.
When you have a desire, or a goal, it is inspired in part by your connections.
You are not alone in desiring this.
Thus, Joe Vitale warns us to move fast on inspiration because otherwise someone else will be given the same idea and will beat us to it.
In the Quantum World, Every Thing and Every Condition Already Exists The circumstances of your life are those you have allowed in based on the goals you had.
This was allowed by your state of being and feeling.
Perhaps you desired to be more empathic with the others in a similar state.
Perhaps you wanted to prove that you could survive this state.
Or, perhaps you wanted to know that you could get out of this state.
Wherever you are, and however you are feeling, it is simply up to you to change and to allow a different state in.
Once you have done your part which is changing your state, you only have to detach from the way, or the "how" and you're done.
The Universe will always find the easiest most direct way to accomplish the manifestation of your desire.
Follow you dream by following your delight, your joy, and your passion.
This is how you follow inspiration.
Make choices based on your joy.
Do not allow distractions to interrupt you because of fears of lack or distrust in Source/Divinity to easily and quickly affect creation.
Take the bold step and believe! This is easy to say, right? It is easy for me because I've seen how stuck one can become when one subscribes to "Stuck Mag" It only takes a change in you to join the group at "Growing and Moving Mag".
Suffering is Not Necessary Suffering is a means of communication from your Higher Self who knows your soul's purpose, to you.
It is an indication that you are not going with the flow but against the flow.
An Onondaga elder once told a story about a young boy and his father.
His Dad asked him to go to the stream to fill up a glass with water.
The boy went.
It wasn't far.
And, being a boy in a rush, he faced the opening toward the flowing water and had a hard time filling it up because the water flowed in but then it splashed and jumped and worked its way out again.
He finally went back to his father and explained that he could only half fill it.
His father looked as his wet and bedraggled son and smiled.
"Go back to the stream, and face the glass downstream.
See what happens and then come back.
" The boy again followed instructions, and was genuinely surprised to see the water flow easily and calmly into the glass, filling it up quickly.
He returned to his father with the full glass of water.
His father smiled again.
"Now you see that when you work against the river, trying to stop its flow, it will fight you and leave you wanting.
When you instead trust that there is enough for everyone and work with the stream, it will fill your glass instantly.
" In terms of our conversation, how can you need what you already have? It is time to change your goals if you are getting splashed and still coming up with a glass half full.
This is an illusion created so that you can, in the words of Neale Donald Walsch, "experience who you really are.
" When we sleep, we spend time in the Collective Unconscious.
When we are awake, we are still connected to every person we ever knew.
This is a lot of connection, even before you remember that we are connected to Source/Divinity/Creator.
No wonder the "social networks" are doing so well.
There has always been a desire among humans to connect.
When you have a desire, or a goal, it is inspired in part by your connections.
You are not alone in desiring this.
Thus, Joe Vitale warns us to move fast on inspiration because otherwise someone else will be given the same idea and will beat us to it.
In the Quantum World, Every Thing and Every Condition Already Exists The circumstances of your life are those you have allowed in based on the goals you had.
This was allowed by your state of being and feeling.
Perhaps you desired to be more empathic with the others in a similar state.
Perhaps you wanted to prove that you could survive this state.
Or, perhaps you wanted to know that you could get out of this state.
Wherever you are, and however you are feeling, it is simply up to you to change and to allow a different state in.
Once you have done your part which is changing your state, you only have to detach from the way, or the "how" and you're done.
The Universe will always find the easiest most direct way to accomplish the manifestation of your desire.
Follow you dream by following your delight, your joy, and your passion.
This is how you follow inspiration.
Make choices based on your joy.
Do not allow distractions to interrupt you because of fears of lack or distrust in Source/Divinity to easily and quickly affect creation.
Take the bold step and believe! This is easy to say, right? It is easy for me because I've seen how stuck one can become when one subscribes to "Stuck Mag" It only takes a change in you to join the group at "Growing and Moving Mag".
Suffering is Not Necessary Suffering is a means of communication from your Higher Self who knows your soul's purpose, to you.
It is an indication that you are not going with the flow but against the flow.
An Onondaga elder once told a story about a young boy and his father.
His Dad asked him to go to the stream to fill up a glass with water.
The boy went.
It wasn't far.
And, being a boy in a rush, he faced the opening toward the flowing water and had a hard time filling it up because the water flowed in but then it splashed and jumped and worked its way out again.
He finally went back to his father and explained that he could only half fill it.
His father looked as his wet and bedraggled son and smiled.
"Go back to the stream, and face the glass downstream.
See what happens and then come back.
" The boy again followed instructions, and was genuinely surprised to see the water flow easily and calmly into the glass, filling it up quickly.
He returned to his father with the full glass of water.
His father smiled again.
"Now you see that when you work against the river, trying to stop its flow, it will fight you and leave you wanting.
When you instead trust that there is enough for everyone and work with the stream, it will fill your glass instantly.
" In terms of our conversation, how can you need what you already have? It is time to change your goals if you are getting splashed and still coming up with a glass half full.