So, you bagged a girl's number - good job! The next phase is to find out what kind of flirting text to text her.
Now, you need to know that there is an art to this, so you cannot just rush things.
Regardless of where or how you got her phone number, your main goal would be to convince her that you belong in her life.
In other words, remind her why she gave you her phone number to begin with.
Here's what you can do to do so: 1.
Have a purpose.
Whether you want to start looking more valuable in her eyes, want to build more comfort between your or just want to ask her out on a date with a flirting text, you need to avoid texting without thinking first.
If you do, you may end up saying something completely stupid and ruin your chances with her altogether.
Avoid sounding clever.
If it was already pretty obvious when you met that she likes you, and she wasn't drunk at the time, then you don't need to sound clever in your first text.
In fact, you can just ask her on a date right away.
Send a flirting text like this: "Hey insert-her-name-here, I'll be visiting insert-cool-event-here this weekend.
Come with me if you want.
" This will show her that you are into interesting things.
And, since you are making it sound like you will be doing it whether she is there or not, she will be more inclined to join you.
Make sure you don't text her the day that you got her number, though.
This will make you look needy and, thus, very unattractive from the get-go.
Follow the lead.
Pay close heed to how she texts you.
If it takes her half an hour to reply to your texts, take a bit longer than that.
if she adds kisses on the end of each text, add a kiss, too.
If she likes using smiley faces, use smiley faces.
If she writes in proper English instead of using abbreviations, do the same.
By portraying her, you can show her how similar and compatible you are - but in a subtle manner.
Finding out which flirting text to send a girl will require evaluating your first meeting and the first impression that you gave off, as well.
Once you have established that, you can use the commandments mentioned above to start building a connection with her through text - easy peasy!
Now, you need to know that there is an art to this, so you cannot just rush things.
Regardless of where or how you got her phone number, your main goal would be to convince her that you belong in her life.
In other words, remind her why she gave you her phone number to begin with.
Here's what you can do to do so: 1.
Have a purpose.
Whether you want to start looking more valuable in her eyes, want to build more comfort between your or just want to ask her out on a date with a flirting text, you need to avoid texting without thinking first.
If you do, you may end up saying something completely stupid and ruin your chances with her altogether.
Avoid sounding clever.
If it was already pretty obvious when you met that she likes you, and she wasn't drunk at the time, then you don't need to sound clever in your first text.
In fact, you can just ask her on a date right away.
Send a flirting text like this: "Hey insert-her-name-here, I'll be visiting insert-cool-event-here this weekend.
Come with me if you want.
" This will show her that you are into interesting things.
And, since you are making it sound like you will be doing it whether she is there or not, she will be more inclined to join you.
Make sure you don't text her the day that you got her number, though.
This will make you look needy and, thus, very unattractive from the get-go.
Follow the lead.
Pay close heed to how she texts you.
If it takes her half an hour to reply to your texts, take a bit longer than that.
if she adds kisses on the end of each text, add a kiss, too.
If she likes using smiley faces, use smiley faces.
If she writes in proper English instead of using abbreviations, do the same.
By portraying her, you can show her how similar and compatible you are - but in a subtle manner.
Finding out which flirting text to send a girl will require evaluating your first meeting and the first impression that you gave off, as well.
Once you have established that, you can use the commandments mentioned above to start building a connection with her through text - easy peasy!