So you want big biceps and you have being using just about every exercise known to man but nothing seems to work.
You have even used the king of all bicep exercises-the standing barbell curl and you still don't have any muscles to show for it So what is the solution? Well in this article I will show you how to use the standing bicep curl and add a new twist to it so that it will stimulate all the muscle mass on you need on your arms.
The reason why your biceps don't respond to conventional training is that you are probably using too much weight and you are probably using too much momentum when performing any exercise.
To solve this problem we can use the arm blaster.
The arm blaster is a harness that you slide over your neck.
It supports your arms so that you cannot cheat when curling the bar.
This allows all the stress to go into the bicep muscles which makes it get all the muscle stimulation Here is how to use it: The movement you will be using is the standing bicep curl which you may know is the king of all exercises for the simple reason that it activates the maximum amount of muscle mass in the bicep muscles.
Pick a weight that will allow you to perform eight to ten repetitions to positive failure.
Now set up the bar with the needed weight.
Use a under hand grip and a shoulder width grip.
Put your arm blaster on.
When you are done grab the barbell and stand with your knees slightly bent and with the barbell hanging on your thighs.
Now with your elbows firmly tucked to your sides, simply curl the weights until they reach shoulder height.
Hold the contraction for a count of 3 and then slowly reverse motion.
Do 3 sets of this making sure you take each set to positive failure Do not train your biceps more than twice a week.
You must make sure you do not over train the arms with this movement.
Thanks to the arm-blaster tool this movement is very intense and you will get more muscle stimulation out of it than by performing endless sets of curls using loose form This is all there is to build big arms.
I recommend you use the arm blaster.
You won't grow bigger bicep muscles faster using any other exercise.
You have even used the king of all bicep exercises-the standing barbell curl and you still don't have any muscles to show for it So what is the solution? Well in this article I will show you how to use the standing bicep curl and add a new twist to it so that it will stimulate all the muscle mass on you need on your arms.
The reason why your biceps don't respond to conventional training is that you are probably using too much weight and you are probably using too much momentum when performing any exercise.
To solve this problem we can use the arm blaster.
The arm blaster is a harness that you slide over your neck.
It supports your arms so that you cannot cheat when curling the bar.
This allows all the stress to go into the bicep muscles which makes it get all the muscle stimulation Here is how to use it: The movement you will be using is the standing bicep curl which you may know is the king of all exercises for the simple reason that it activates the maximum amount of muscle mass in the bicep muscles.
Pick a weight that will allow you to perform eight to ten repetitions to positive failure.
Now set up the bar with the needed weight.
Use a under hand grip and a shoulder width grip.
Put your arm blaster on.
When you are done grab the barbell and stand with your knees slightly bent and with the barbell hanging on your thighs.
Now with your elbows firmly tucked to your sides, simply curl the weights until they reach shoulder height.
Hold the contraction for a count of 3 and then slowly reverse motion.
Do 3 sets of this making sure you take each set to positive failure Do not train your biceps more than twice a week.
You must make sure you do not over train the arms with this movement.
Thanks to the arm-blaster tool this movement is very intense and you will get more muscle stimulation out of it than by performing endless sets of curls using loose form This is all there is to build big arms.
I recommend you use the arm blaster.
You won't grow bigger bicep muscles faster using any other exercise.