- 1). Open your Web browser. Go to the official AT&T website.
- 2). Click "Log In."
- 3). Type the user name and password of your primary AT&T account and hit "Enter" to access your account information.
- 4). Click on "My Account" to view the details of all of the services associated with that account. You can schedule a customer service appointment by clicking "Contact Us" if you are having problems with your AT&T Internet service. You can also use the "Bandwidth" section to view how much bandwidth you are allotted to use in a single month. If you're on a limited plan, you can select "Unlimited" to switch to an unlimited plan. Your billing will be adjusted to reflect this service addition on your next statement. Prices will change depending on the area you live in.
- 5). Click "My Documents" to view your AT&T Internet storage space. When you sign up for AT&T Internet service you are given online document storage that is associated with your account. You can click "Add" to add documents like pictures or text files to this storage and then access them on any computer you use by logging into your AT&T account.
- 6). Click the "Email" button followed by the "Inbox" option to view your AT&T email inbox. All AT&T Internet customers are given an "@att.com" email address which you can use to send and receive messages. Click "Compose" if you'd like to type a new message to someone, or just click on a received message's subject line to read it on screen.