Health & Medical Healthy Living

Allergies & Hayfever Natural Cures

    Cleaning Up Your Act

    • One of the first and most effective methods is to rinse your nose. But before you stick your nose under a faucet, consider the whole industry of products made just for this purpose. One of the cheapest, oldest and simplest is the neti pot. A neti pot looks like a teapot and allows you to pour saltwater up one side of your nose and then drains the water out the other side. This may sound slightly uncomfortable, and it is at first, but it is the quickest way to get rid of a stuffy nose. When done daily, it is very effective at washing the allergens out of your sinuses.

    Self Defense

    • Since you're not going to be able to avoid all allergens all the time, you might consider building up your natural immunity. One way of doing this is by consuming local honey. According to the experts at Bamboo Hollow Apiaries & Honey Farms, honey has an immunizing effect, releasing small amounts of allergens into your system. This way you slowly build up antibodies against the invaders instead of your nose exploding all at once. There are other ways to build up immunity as well. Taking the time to talk to a herbalist or an acupuncturist, and following a tailored herbal regiment specific to your body and problems is also very effective.

    Avoiding Conflict

    • Do you know what you're allergic to? Get tested for allergies if you haven't already. Allergies have an accumulative effect; the more allergens there are, the worse you feel. You might have a food allergy that you never knew about, and cutting that food from your diet could cut out half your congestion. Avoidance is one of the best ways to reduce your allergies.

      If you want to be extreme, you could take the carpet and drapes from your home, as they're practically allergen hotels, and buy bookshelves with doors to keep those musty books locked away. Some less extreme and more easily implemented ideas come from The Allergy and Asthma Centers of the Metroplex, via Dr. Harry Barl. The steps are as follows: Vacuum often using one with a HEPA filter. Wet dust often, wearing a mask, and use a product like Endust. Wash your bedding frequently in 130 degree water. Place allergy-proof covers on your mattress, box spring and pillows. Keep your closet doors shut to lock out dust accumulation and dust mites. Don't let your pet sleep on your head unless it's a hypoallergenic breed. In fact, it's best to keep your pets out of your bedroom completely. It may sound cruel, but ask yourself if Fido rolled in the grass and flowers today. Change your air filter monthly and consider getting special allergy filters for your home.

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