Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Guys on the First Date

If want some first date tips for men, we've managed to write this list with the most key 10 tricks. We're going to discuss about planning the first date, about the right attitude, how to make her feel good, connect with her, body language, things to avoid, how to make her feel you're a confident guy and more tips so that you can smoothly pass to the another date with her.

Tip 10: Don't spend too much on the first date. If you'll bring her roses, costly gifts, or take her to the most expensive restaurant in the city at your first date she'll think you're trying to buy her feelings and that's not attractive (unless she's after your money).

Tip 9: Don't be afraid to be yourself. Be yourself, because if you want this lady in your life she has to like you the way you really are.

Tip 8: Romance is important. Romance is not old fashioned, but many men underrate it nowadays, and unfortunately, women really need it. You don't have to start writing poetry now, but you can surprise her with a romantic boat ride at the end of the date or at to the lowest degree invite her to a similar feat. Also be a gentleman, lead the way and open doors.

Tip 7:  Make a plan. You always need some handy back up plans, just in case. When you call her to decide the place of you'll go to, propose her a few options instead of only one. Think about discussion topics, so you avoid the moments when you don't know what to say anymore.

Tip 6: Find a suitable dating place. You want to talk and interact with her a lot so don't choose a location where you can't talk to her much (movies) or you can't get too close to her (restaurant). Choose a dancing evening, or playing darts or skating, or anything that allows you to interact more with her.

Tip 5: How you look. You don't have to dress in a suit, instead choose clothes that fit you well and make you feel comfortable. Groom yourself. Don't be late for the date
Never be late. Try to be there a few minutes earlier.

Tip 4:  Playful attitude. Flirt with her from time to time
Flirting with her will compliment her if you don't do it too much. While interacting, playing or walking try to touch her gradually from the hands to her shoulders and back. If she has many positive responses, try to kiss her, first a small kiss on the cheek, then another tiny kiss on her lips. If she resists, start talking with her for a minute and then try to kiss her once more. You could end up with a pleasant magnetic kiss or no kiss at all, but if she turns you down, at least she'll think about it until she'll see you again.

Tip 3: Non-verbal communication. Look into her eyes. It shows interest and self-assurance. Be relaxed, and if you're sitting, lean back a bit. Don't invade her personal space too much, that's an uncontrolled or desperate behaviour.

Tip 2: Show your sense of humor. Make her laugh and have fun. Women treasure sense of humor in a guy more than many other qualities. Even So, you don't have to become the clown of the evening; too much means too much.

Tip 1: Pay attention to her. Make an effort to really listen to what she says; observe the way she moves and the way she responds to your what you say and do. She'll feel you're empathic and she'll feel connected with you. Her phrases and her mimics will give you all the clues you need to transform this first date into a second date and a future relationship.

Utilising these first date tips for guys you can have a fantastic dating experience. All these first date tips are essential but if you can see their priority also, your results are bound to improve dramatically.
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