Health & Medical Nutrition

Foods You Should Buy

Food is an essential part of our life.
After air and water what we require the most is the food.
A balanced food is a must to keep a person healthy.
The food you have should have all the proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat and carbohydrates required by your body in essential quantity.
Whenever you go to buy food there are a certain points to be kept in mind before buying.
You should see to the quality and the variety of food you buy.
It should include all the essential vitamins and minerals.
The food you buy should have carbohydrates as carbohydrates give you energy.
Therefore you should buy whole grain food.
The food to take should have whole grains such as oatmeal, whole-wheat bread and brown rice.
If you do not take carbohydrates then the proteins in your body give you energy.
The proteins in your body helps in the physical growth but when they start giving energy their own function is not carried onproperlyas a result it hampers the growth of a person.
Proteins as mentioned above helps in the physical growth of the body.
It is also required for the skin, hair and internal organs.
Proteins in essential quantity are a must for the growing infants, children and teens.
Pregnant and breast feeding women too require proteins in adequate quantity.
You can buy chicken, turkey, fish, meat, egg, dairy products and soyabeans.
Eating fish is good as it reduces the risk of heart disease and is a rich source of protein.
Vegetarians can have protein by consuming nuts, legumes and soyabeans as they are an excellent source of proteins.
Vitamins and minerals are also required by your body and should be an important part of the food intake.
The different vitamins help in a number of ways.
Vitamin A helps keeps you away from night blindness.
You can get Vitamin A from carrots, eggs, milk, spinach and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin B helps in metabolic activity.
They also help in making red blood cells.
Whole-grain, sea food, eggs, leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are a good source of these vitamins.
Vitamin C keeps your gums and teeth in good shape.
Citrus fruits, cantaloupe, cabbage a broccoli and tomatoes give you enough Vitamin C.
Vitamin D helps in making strong teeth and helps your body absorb the required calcium.
Milk and other dairy products, egg yolk and fish are a source of this vitamin.
You can also get a good amount of Vitamin D by absorbing the morning sun for 5 minutes.
Vitamin E is for good skin.
But not only the skin it also helps the eyes and the liver.
Whole grains, green vegetables, sardines, egg yolks and nuts give you a good amount of Vitamin E.
Vitamin K helps in blood clotting.
Whenever you get a cut, the blood clots and stops further flow of the blood out from your body.
You can take this vitamin consuming leafy green vegetables, pork and dairy products.
Are you one of those who do not take milk and other dairy products? If yes then you better take such alternative food that gives you calcium to keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become weak and break easily.
So make sure to take milk and other dairy products.
Other alternatives are dry beans, broccoli, sardines, tofu and citrus fruits.
Your food should contain fat but in limited quantity as too much of fat have negative effect such as heart disease and cancer.
Fats are also essential for your body.
Whatever food you buy make sure it has all the requirements of your body.
Fruits, vegetables, milk, while grains, fish, meat and a little of fat.
Find more information visit:Foods you should buy [http://www.
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